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"This is absolutely mental! I wont go through with it!" Louis shouted at his parents angrily.

"Louis, you are 23, you are a royal and must be wed to someone of royal blood as well" his mother stated.

"But mum, hes 18 practically a child, ive said no to every single other person you lot have brought me so what makes you think that I would ever say yes to a child?"

"If you two get married then we will be able to stop the war and come together as a whole. It will be twice the power and it will just help us so much Louis so please."

"Louis, we are going over to their palace for dinner tommorow and you will be meeting then. If you dont like him then fine, we will figure something out." His father spoke up.

"Tommorow? Already? You guys are out of your minds I tell you."

"This is final Louis. Please just prepare your things for tommorow I dont want to be late."

Louis just rolled his eyes, then stalked right out of the office.

Why were his parents forcing him into this? He didnt need to be married off. He was better off without a spouse anyway. That child would probably not even listen to a word louis said to him. Hes probably all uptight with his nose turned up and such. Probably too proper for Louis' liking anyway.

Louis went to bed that day with his anger bubbling up inside of himself.

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