Chapter 13: Family Outing

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    Martin has been helping Jane move on for the past two weeks, and she feels better every time she's with him. They would go out to the mall together, had coffee, and the best part was that Nat was there too - so she had even more support than she could ever wish for. Whenever she begins to feel sad, she always has Martin and Nat to turn to, they were always there for her. There to make her feel happy, erase her mind about certain things, but most of all they were there to listen whenever she had a problem. But regardless of her new found happiness, Xander would always pop into her mind every once in a while. She still sees him around school, but he never tries to talk to her or even looks in her direction. Jane still feels a sharp pain every time she's around him. She still held onto the day that he might come back into her life - but until that day comes, she'll be living her life for herself.

    After a long day at work, Jane finally arrived at home. She had to close the café today, because Martin had an important thing to do - so he left work early, and left the keys for Jane. She dragged herself up the stairs to her front porch, and felt a pain in her back with every step. Her eyelids began to feel really heavy, and she could not wait to jump right into bed. Jane slowly opened the door, and heard a loud shout say, "SURPRISE!". Her grandparents threw a surprise birthday celebration just for her. Jane was so happy to see them full of life. And Martin and Nat were there too, but no Xander. Her grandpa quickly approached her and gave her a tight bear-hug.

    "Happy Birthday Anak! Were you surprised?"

    "Yes, Papa I am surprised, and so happy. Thank you so much!"

    "I'm glad. Look we even were able to get all of your friends to join too! Although, I'm so sorry Anak. I asked Nat to invite Xander to come, but when she did... He said he couldn't, that he was too busy. I'm sure that he would've wanted to be here, to wish you a very happy birthday. Maybe even give you a happy birthday kiss!"

    While her grandparents were jokingly laughing at Jane - Jane gave a weary laugh, and exchanged looks with Martin and Nat. They both gave her a sympathy smile, and had apologizing glares in their eyes.

    "That's okay Papa. He's been really busy lately. But never mind that, I can't believe you and Mama did all of this for me!"

    "Of course Anak. You've been working so hard, you deserve this."

    Jane wrapped her arms around her grandpa so tight, and she never wanted to let go.

    Jane had an amazing time at her birthday celebration. They played board games, sang karaoke, ate a lot of delicious food, and ice cream cake. Finally the moment that Jane had been waiting for all night, it was present time. One by one she tore off the wrapping paper of each present, threw open every box, and always found an amazing present inside. She got gifts from all of her family that she left back in the States. She got clothes, money, trinkets, and all that she could want and more. Martin got her a book that she has been dying to get for days now, and Nat got her a long beautiful light blue dress, so that she has something nice to wear on special occasions.

After Jane opened every gift that was given to her, she spotted a beautiful small box hiding in the corner. It was wrapped in shimmering red wrapping paper with a gold bow on top. It was so beautifully wrapped, she was reluctant to open it. Very carefully she pulled off the paper piece by piece, and under the wrapping paper revealed a small navy blue box. Jane slowly took off the lid of the box and found a stunning silver charm bracelet. All of the charms were of things that she loved: a book, a paint brush, a silhouette of a Mickey Mouse head, a simple but very elegant cross, music notes, and a charm that said her name "Jane".

    "This is so beautiful. Who got this for me?"

    "Hmmm... There's no card. You know Anak, it's probably from one of your relatives in the States. I think I found that present in the mailbox."

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