Part one: Flames and Demons

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There he was... First Flame, the most powerful of the five. I never thought it would be him that would be helping me, the Fifth Flame, on this mission. I just hope that he does not try to take all the fun from the mission. But then again, I don't know the full mission. It can end up being anything...

"Yo, 5! They said you had bright blue hair... I thought they were just making it up though, I guess it works with silver eyes, but I think gold would be much better" He said.

"You mean like three's eyes? Why do you even care about my eye color?" I said.

"Don't worry about it, 5. All I need you to worry about is the mission" 1 said.

"And what is the mission exactly? You have not even explained anything about it" I said

"Well, let's start off simple shall we? I want to know more about you so I can fit you into the plan" 1 said. If not for his serious tone, I would have thought he was joking.

"Well, what is it you want to know then?" I asked.

"First question! Whats your name? I don't want to keep calling you '5' you know" 1 said in a laid back tone.

"Jira. Is that it?" I asked.

"Second question! You have a familiar if I am correct. But what is your familiar exactly?" 1 asked, pressing on with more questions.

"Yes I do, and it is a wolf with the ability of lightning. Now is that it?" I asked, hoping to get to the mission.

"One more question, Jira. Are you sure that you are willing to put yourself in danger for the mission?"

The last question took me by surprise... "Of course I am" I said with a stern voice.

"Thats what I like to hear, Jira! Well here's the mission. There's a organisation of humans led by a demon. This demon was able to steal a weapon needed by our higher ups, and it's our mission to get that weapon back, and destroy that group" One explained "Now, let's get going Jira"

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