(Jodie rings the doorbell and you open the door. MB walks in and you show them to your room.)
YN: (says quickly) so umm... How are you guys doing? What's up? I'm bored. You wanna play board games? Noo let's go get something to eat! Noo I'm tired, i wanna go to sleep!
Roc: is she okay?...
(you run downstairs into the kitchen and everyone else is still in ur room.)
Jodie: she was fine when I left..
Princeton: she's asked practically every question except..
Ray-Ray: ok who said some sh*t?
(Jodie whistles and looks at the floor. Ray-Ray's eyes turn red and he grabs jodie's arm.)
Ray-Ray: you didn't say anything did you?!
Jodie: (trying to change the subject) so prod, where's Bryson!?
Ray-Ray: god d*mn it...she obviously said somethin.
Prodigy: Bryson is with my parents....but did you seriously tell YN?!
Jodie: I had to!
Princeton: well what did you tell her?
(jodie tells them what she told u about prod and Lydia.)
Princeton: oh my god you told her the wrong thing!
Prod: yeah that's not right! I didn't get Lydia pregnant....she cheated on me, remember?
Jodie: oh yeah...
(you're downstairs eating cotton candy. MB and Jodie walk into the kitchen.)
Roc: well I think we found the problem...
Ray-Ray: she's had way too much candy..
Princeton: YN, how many did you have?
(you think about how many you had, and you start to count on your fingers.)
YN: (holds up all ten fingers)
Roc: oh god...
Prodigy: let's get you to bed..
YN: okay!
(prodigy helps you up the stairs and carries you to your bed. Prodigy walks back downstairs.)
Prodigy: should I tell her what really happened? Since Jodie lied?...
Princeton: yeah...
Ray-Ray: no way!
Roc: shut up dude. It's not your business to tell...
(ray gives Roc a death stare and everyone goes to their beds and goes to sleep.)