I lied to you, now I'm gonna hurt you.

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YN: I know I know... You're breaking up with me.

(prod gets silent)

Prod: yeah...i am.

(you roll your eyes. Prince stares at prod)

Prod: look I just can't deal with you anymore. All of the things im hearing about you, maybe we should just be friends.

YN; if you trusted me in the first place, then we wouldn't have this problem! So maybe we ARE only friends!

(YN slaps prod and walks off. Prod holds his cheek and he rolls his eyes)

Prod: yall told her I was gonna break up with her. Didn't yall.

Roc: well ....

Prod: thanks for letting me know I can trust you.

roc: trust me. We are... Its just, she had a right to know.

Prince: yeah. She wouldn't believe us anyways. I guess now she does.

Prod: whatever.

(prod walks off and leaves a trail of snow behind him. A girl named bahja walks up to prod.)

Bahja: hey ur prince prodigy right?

Prod: yea what's up..

Bahja: I was wondering if you've seen Princeton?

Prod: yea he's back there in the light garden with his sister and a friend.

Bahja: thanks.

(bahja runs up to Princeton and she hugs him. in this story, bahja kinda annoys Princeton.)

Bahja: hey curly poo!

Prince: pleaseeee dont call me that.

Bahja: fine. So where's everyone?

Prince: I can tell everyone to meet in the coffee shop at the centre.

Bahja: okay. I'll bring my friend zonnique!

Prince mumbles: greaaat.

Bahja: see ya there then!

(prince calls everyone and we all meet up at the centre. Bahja and zonnique see ray ray, roc, prodigy, prince, Jodie, and YN.)

Bahja: so this is everyone huh?

Jodie: if you dont mind me asking, what element are you two?

(YN and Jodie laugh a little. YN punches jodie in the arm and Jodie laughs harder. Zonnique and bahja stare at YN and Jodie rudely)

Bahja: our element is the element of light..

(Jodie stops laughing and looks surprised a little)

Jodie: huh?..why haven't I seen you guys?

Zonnique: I dont know.

Roc: lets chill a lil cuz tension is kinda rising.

YN: what tension?

(YN scoffs)

(bahja sits next to prince and he smiles and bahja takes a pic.)

(YN is sitting across from them and she rolls her eyes. Prince looks at YN and notices she looks upset and jealous. Bahja notices how you look too)

Bahja: aww. Someone a lil upset?

YN: no im just fine.

(zonnique, prod, roc, and Jodie sit at the table. Ray sits next to you)

Jodie: so what's been going on?

(Jodie looks at YN and bahja)

Bahja: its none of your business.

jodie: oh...well fine then. Excuse me for asking.

Prince: if yall think im dating bahja, im not...

(bahja looks a little hurt, but she tries not to show it)

Bahja: umm yeah ..

Jodie: what's the matter? Surprised?

(jodie laughs)

Bahja: why would I be surprised?

Jodie: because he doesn't like you back like you thought he did.

(YN laughs a little and so does ray ray.)

Prod: stop being so rude YN.

Ray mumbles: maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have YN and prodigy in the same place..

Roc: you're right. Someone grab YN.

(ray grabs YN and he's about to pull you out of the restaurant. Prodigy freezes ray ray in his place. Prodigy's eyes are an icy blue. Ray gets annoyed and he quickly melts the ice.)

Ray: we're not gonna fight here prod!

Zonnique: is this why yall tried to separate YN and prod? Because you knew they would fight?

Prince: yea... But it's not a fair game because YN doesnt have powers..

Bahja: who cares.

(bahja rolls her eyes)

prince: I care... I dont want her getting hurt.

(prod grabs your arm and you feel your arm getting colder. You try to snatch your arm away but prod only grabs tighter)

You shout: let me go now!!!

(prod lets you go. You fall down onto the ground and he uses a strong power that slams you into the wall. You pass out and prince runs to you. Prod leaves and ray runs to the window and sees that Lydia was controlling him with her mind the whole time. Ray sees prince stomping out the restaurant. Ray runs after prince)

Ray shouts: prince wait!!! You don't understand!!!!

Elements . An MB Story Starring YouWhere stories live. Discover now