Chapter 1

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Rick's POV

I took the first watch of the night, knowing how exhausted Daryl is. Behind the tough exterior, I could see how truly damaged he is. We all can. As I scaned the area, my mind wondered to Carl and the group. In the midst of all we have been through, we got separated. I have no way of knowing if any of my group is alright. I hope so. I can't handle any more loss. Not after the prison...
A rustle amongst the dried grass of the forest shook the thoughts from my mind as I stood to alert, gun in hand, eyes darting around. Disappointment flooded through me as a Walker shuffled forward from the darkness, jaw working in attempt to bite, claw, taste any living thing it could get its gray, decayed hands on.
Holstering the gun, I pulled out the red-handled dagger hanging at my hip and habitually stabbed it into the skull of the Walker, softened with decay. It fell to the ground with a soft thud and I returned to the sleeping form of the only group member I was still with.
Daryl's face was smooth and relaxed, an alternative to the gruff mask of absent emotion that he usually wears. Little does he know that I can see right past that. I also know how sad he looks when he thinks no one sees. It's how we all are. Every single survivor on this planet feels the same way. This world is done for, and nothing can fix it. We can someday go back to the way we were, but the backs of our minds will be forever clouded by the downfall. Its not just the Walkers we have to worry about. Every damned person we come across seems to be just as dangerous as any monster lurking in the dark. Can't trust a single person, and the ones you can trust will probably end up dead. Gotta face reality.
I watched the woods for hours, listening to the silence, until it was interrupted by a gruff, southern voice that I would surely miss if I never heard it again.
"Why don't you get some rest now. Shift's over." Daryl moved to sit next to me, leaning against the tree. Our arms were pressed together, yet neither of us moved. The feel of his body touching mine is too...comforting. Too familiar.
"Listen, Daryl. I know that we are both stressed right now about being separated from the group -" I started, but he cut me off.
"Don't start with that shit, Rick. You an' I both know that talkin' it out ain't gonna solve any of our problems." The muscles in his shoulder tensed, and I ached to rub his muscular arm and console him, but I need to be a leader. I can't let my feelings get in the way. No matter how badly I wanted to press my lips roughly onto Daryl's, I knew we had to focus on finding the others. There would be time for that later...eventually...

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