Ready for ze Party?

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Peyton- ROC!!!!

*Kenya, Princeton, Ray Ray, Peyton, Mariah, Jaden, Kyndal, and Diggy all went up to go hug him.*

Roc- Aye, can't a nigga have a chance to breathe!?!?

Beyonce- Haha! Have a seat yall, we have more to discuss. Okay. Remember, you all still have to rehearse for the show! I think yall are responsible enough to decide what you all need to do, but not all of you need to be on the stage. We can't have 13 kids dancing on the stage at the same time, but yall each need to come out on the stage and do something. I don't care if yall come out in small groups, pairs, or even by yourself.... it doesn't matter! Just make sure that yall all get a part.

Jaden- Are their any limits to the music we choose? 

Jay- Nah, yall are all mature, so we don't really care about the language

Kenya- Are we allowed to do a song for each little group who goes out?

Beyonce- Yeah sure! The more songs the better! It's gonna end up being like a concert!

Mariah- Do we have to sing, dance, or both??

Jay- Do whatever you want! It's your show! Oh, and we have a surprise for you! We have a list of the celebrities who are gonna be there! We have Rick Ross, Drake, Lil Wayne, Future, J. Cole, Kelly Rowland, Ciara, Miguel, B.O.B., Nicki Minaj, Kendrick Lamar, Pharrell, Justin Timberlake, Robin Thicke, Brandy, A$AP Rocky, Wale...... and those are only a few! All the celebrities you can think of are gonna be there, but those are the ones we were told... I would really love for yall to try do perform to some of their songs! Remember, yall got about 2 months to rehearse, so this show better be boom with no flaws! Aight, me and Beyonce are gonna leave now! Remember, no doing the nasty, breaking up, cheating, or anything bad. If that happens, you will recieve a letter in the mail and you will have to leave immideately! Aight, have fun yall! See yall at the show!

Everyone- Byee!

*Jay-Z and Beyonce left.*

Diggy- So... I guess we should get to work!

Roc- Damn Diggy slow your role there boy! They just left! I say we chill out.

Prod- Idk bruh, I mean you heard all the celebrities that are gonna be there! I don't know about you... but I'm working!

Kyndal- Come on Roc! It won't hurt!

Roc- Ughhh fine!

Peyton- Aight, first off... who wants to do a routine with who? Remember, the more the routines, the better!

Ray Ray- I wanna do one with you, and then one with Prod, Roc, and Princeton

Princeton- Im down for that! And I also wanna do one with Peyton, Ray Ray, and Kenya

Prodigy- Oh and we defiantly need an all guys dance and an all girls dance!

Kenya-  This is so much! Idk if we are gonna be able to do all this!

Peyton- That's why they are giving us 2 months to do this!

Diggy- Aight, this is gonna take a long time.... so let's just get to work!

*In one rehearsal room with Peyton, Kenya, Mariah, Kyndal, Amaya, and Penny*

Peyton- This is gonna be so great!

Amaya- Nigga what exactly are we doin!?

Mariah- We are doing a routine for the boys!

Amaya- Aye really!?

Penny- To what song tho???

Peyton- Now that I haven't really figured out... any ideas?

Kyndal- Put It Down?

Mariah- Kyndal... we JUST did that!

Amaya- Love on Top?

Penny- Too basic.... 

Kenya- I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!

Everyone else- What???

Kenya- Body Party!

Everyone else- Awwww yeahhhhh!!!!!!

*in another rehearsal room with the boys.*

Jaden- Yo, what song should we do?

Roc- You Come First?

Ray Ray- By the nigga who tried to kill us?!? Yeah right!

Prodigy- Forever?

Princeton- Good song... but let's not do one of OURS...

Diggy- Aight.... how about Ready???

Prod- And baby we don't need a beeeeddddd nooooooooo

Ray Ray- Don't need a master room, don't  need to set the mooddd

Jaden- She like yaaaaaa yeaaaaaaaaaaa

Roc- One touch one touch she gon give me all the love

Diggy- She's ready, so ready, she's ready, so I'm ready

Jawan- I feel it comin on strong, so heavy

Princeton- She's ready, I'm readyyyyyyyy

Diggy- Wow. We got this yall!

Everyone else- Yeah!

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