Who don did it?

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*Peyton's POV*

So..... we have a stalker. You know, it's funny.... I actually expected everything to go as planned this season, but I guess everything can't be perfect right? 

Prodigy- Dang.... what are we gonna do guys?

Jawan- Dude, we are being watched constantly by this person.... I have no idea...

Ray Ray- We can't even come up with a plan this time cuz they will obviously know what we are planning!

Kenya- Guys... we need to chill out real quick and think for a second. One, we can figure out who this is! All we need to do is read this CAREFULLy and we can probably figure it out! Second, this dude can't control everything, and there is ALWAYS a way. All we have to do is-

*Suddenly everyone recieved a text*

Penny- WTF! This is some Pretty Little Liars shit! 

On the screen read:

Trust me, there isn't a way. I do control everything. All the girls want me, all the guys want to be me. Plus, yall dumb asses will never figure out who i am! HA! Remember.... I'm always watchin!

- Everyone's favorite guy

Me- W.....T.....F.... this dude conceeded as fuck...

Kenya- He had the nerve to call us dumb but yet he be droppin hints left and right!

Amaya- Okay... let's see, we know it's a dude, he's conceeded, POSSIBLY cute, and creepy as fuck. Gee that sure narrowed it down.

Princeton- I think what Kenya means is that with each letter we get, the closer we will get to figuring out who this creep is.

Prodigy- Yall know anyone who would do this tho?

Ray Ray- I have a feeling it's a girl.

Everyone else- HUH?

Ray Ray- Yall aren't readin in between the lines! I mean come on! Only a complete dumb ass would drop hints that actually relate to them! If they wanted to remain creepy as fuck they would give a totally fake description! 

Roc- I never thought of it that way...

Jawan- What if it's Patrick?

Everyone else- o___o

Ray Ray- Oh shit. 

Me- And he actually knows where we are staying! That makes since too!

Penny- And... if it WAS a girl, which girl would it be? No girl really has anything against us!

Princeton- True...

Amaya- GUYS. It could be Jacob!

Kenya- Amaya wtf... he's in jail!

Amaya- That dude has serious issues Kenya! You never know!

Roc- He scares me so bad..... Maybe it is him...

Me- He's real creepy! I mean he totally turned a game into a rape/ murder game! 

Jawan- Okay so we got two suspects-

Ray Ray- Ah! Three!


Jawan- Yeah really! Just TWO suspects bro!

Ray Ray- ugh... okay.

Me- Let's see, is there anyone else who hates us?

Prodigy- There better not be

Penny- Guys, I just remembered. TECHNICALLY it doesn't have to be someone that we know, we ARE basically famous remember?

Princeton- Dang... I always kinda forget that.

Kenya- Welp.... that just made our suspect list get a lot longer...

*they recieved another text*


The text read:

Yo, yall are smart. But this is getting ridiculous! Yall thinkin too damn much! HA! Here's a hint.............. keep that suspect list at two. Goodnight tho.

-Everyones favorite guy

Ray Ray- Well I feel dumb. 

Me- So... we were right. It's either Patrick or Jacob!

Penny- Yeah... but which one?

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