t h i r t y - e i g h t

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picture of carter^
he's so fucking hot i swear😂💝
no song

aliyah's pov

cameron and nash were making youtube videos in the den. we had to cover everything up just because we knew how dirty things would get.

i was wearing a maroon colored jumpsuit with black pump heals.

hey.} kian lawley smiled at me

hi. can i talk to you about something? it's about kora.} i say as i drag him outside to the front porch

well... what about her? isn't she the sweetest?} he smiles

no. kora's been spreading rumors about us and she's been rude to my daughter.} i say as i cross my arms

you're lying. kora's been bragging to her older sister about her and peyton getting along so well. i believe my family over my friend.} he growls

PEYTON BLAKE DALLAS?!} i yell throughout the house. i see her running down the stairs and coming outside

sup lawley, mom.} she says bluntly but smiles when she says my name

he doesn't believe that kora's harassing you.} i smirk at peyton's reaction

well any proof?} kian asks bluntly as he crosses his arm and taps his foot

of course i do. when kora and i were actually friends, we would have sleepovers every weekend remember? the reason why we don't hang out is because she fucking calls me every name in the book. to you she may look like an innocent flower since she is your daughter, but you don't know what she does to me. you can ask noah or jack carpenter if you want. they know what kora does to me. by the way, you should really consider us as family since this is family dinner.} she says as she storms back inside

damn, teach your daughter some manners.} kian snickers and smirks

damn, you should really get out of here with andrea.} i say as i slam the door in his face

i see andrea standing in front of me, smiling.

tell kora and kian to back the fuck off. and tell kora to not mess with peyton again.} i say bluntly to andrea

call me later about this.} she says with a weak smile

i see her driving off with kian. i hate the lawley's.

i go to the den and see nash and cameron throwing food at each other.

FUCKING GROSS!} i yell as cameron accidentally throws some marinara sauce at me

sorry. meet my wife.} cameron smiles as he leads me to the camera

i just smile and leave the den with my shoes off.

aliyah!} matt yells as he laughs at me

don't ask.} i grin as i go upstairs to change

i wear a large sweater with bunny slippers and black leggings.

everybody already left and they cleaned up as well.

i knocked on peyton's door but she never answered. i open the door up and see noah talking to her on her bed.

um.} i mumble

when's anna coming?} peyton asks nervously as she sees me

she's here right now.} i grin a little

i'll text you later, noah.} peyton smiles as noah leaves her room

anna goes in her room and fills the mini fridge with soda and ice cream.

angel; cameron dallas [hiatus & editing]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt