Chapter four: Oblivion

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Paul's POV-

As I stepped into John's apartment, the rush of warm air made me suddenly sleepy. I heard the

door close behind me as I let go of John's hand, our fingertips lingering for a moment before I

made my way over to my night-shift on the couch.

"Good night, McCartney" John whispers as he treads down the hall.

"Keep an eye out for monsters, Lennon" I whisper back at him.

I lie on the couch, the room is dark. My mind is bursting, my heart is pounding and I know that I

couldn't possibly fall asleep now. I was thinking about John, with him this dangerously close by

in a room down the hall. It wouldn't be difficult to just slip in with him...

I am ashamed as I realize my thoughts have gone in an entirely illegal direction and I force myself

to stop. I get off the couch and head to the bathroom for something to do.


POV of John-

I walk down the hall to my bedroom. the lights are all off but I know my apartment well enough

that I'm able to stumble along without them. Heavy, dreadful sleepiness falls over me

as i lie on top of my blankets, still in my clothes.

"Maybe tonight i will sleep through the monsters..." I sigh to myself and drift off into sweet,

sleepy, oblivion......

Suddenly I am back stage after a concert, I can see Paul is on stage but he doesn't seem to

see me. I don't seem to exist .

"And I love him" Paul whispers to a microphone over an empty audience, and it echoes through

the vacant auditorium. I start to step forward to him, but I trip and stumble down into a deep pit

I hadn't noticed before. Above me a single ray of light is shining down from the stage, Paul's

silhouette suddenly appears at the top of the pit, light beaming over his head like a dark angel.

" Glad you could make it, Lennon!" His voice echoes down into the pit. He reaches an arm down

To help me out but as soon as I reach my hand out to take it, the pit deepens and I begin to fall

back into unforgiving darkness. Deeper. Deeper into the terrible pit.

As I fall farther into the darkness, I am quickly submerged in rising water.

Choking, gasping, water is filling my lungs as I struggle to surface. Beneath the water, I lose my

sense of direction. The darkness makes it impossible to tell which way is up, which way to swim.

I try to call for help but i don't have the oxygen to do it, and no sound comes out from my

straining lungs. Frantically I claw away at the walls of the pit, animal instinct moving my body.

"john..." A familiar voice echoes through the water..

"John?" I see a bit of light as this voice continues....

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