Chapter 31: They now know

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Dedicated to @Yeonhye_Gals since I always saw you voting my chapters recently. And I like the username too. ^_^

Please forgive me for updating this late and have already passed the due date. Well, you see that this is Exam Week so I got no time to get my hands on this and I got a minor mental block, due to stress I think. And I'm currently going to publish my oneshots and my other story which is in Tagalog.

So if you have time, try to check in my works tomorrow since I'm still typing them today. Thanks! Also thank you for supporting MTFY! We already have reached the middle part!! ^0^



"I just know hyung. I can wait. That' all I could do."

"I'll only give up when she says it."

"I can't give her up just yet-"

"GOOSSHH!!!!! JUST MAKE IT STOOOPPP!!!!!! AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!" I screamed as I cover both my ears but that voice won't just stop! I have to kneel down just to control myself but I freaking can not do it!! "AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

"Yoona!! Keep yourself down! We can't go near you!!" I hear Taeyeon scream but this voice in my head won't make what she said understand!! I'm losing my sanity right now!!

I could just feel myself scream and suddenly flying around, releasing huge winds and vibration of the ground. But all of that, my head just d*mn hurts right now, making me forget everything around me. All I freaking wanna do now is just slam my head to some tree trunk and sleep!!!

"Aaarrrggghhh!! Shaaaawwwwnnnn!!" I need you.



"Taeyeon! What on SMTown is happening?!?!" I hear Tiffany ask me from behind but I just ignored her. I flew up high, just to reach Yoona. I can't believe this is happening at the very wrong place!! And to think she just flew up 20 feet above the ground! And still flying anywhere! If she also teleports, then I might be doomed.

"Yoona!" I said as soon as I finally cornered her but for Pete's sake, she teleported!! I slap my head in annoyance. I turn around and saw her, talking to herself while appearing and disappearing in different places. I just continue to chase her, though I'm awfully tired right now.

By the corner of my eye, I could just see Jessica and Tiffany's confused looks. Its like they were troubled on what's happening now. Well, why can't they just move and effin call for help!!

"Don't just stand there girls!" I told them, still trying to capture Yoona on my hands. But man! She's fast! I couldn't cope up. "At least call Suho or someone!! And please hurry up!" And I'm just so glad they followed my command.

"Aaarrrggghhh!! Shaaaawwwwnnnn!!" I was suddenly surprised when I saw her appear before me. I directly hold on to her shoulders and before I knew it, I'm teleporting with her!!

"Yoona! Knock your sense in!!" I screamed at her. But its as if she didn't hear me and continued to scream.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!!" Now, that was high pitched. And by that scream, it just made the winds grow stronger!!

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