Chapter 2

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I woke up to a horrible headache in my dorm.Memories of what happened last night bombarded me.That Aido guy trying to hurt me but I was saved by another night-class student.And after that,I just blacked out.Maybe it was because I was overwhelmed by too much happening at that time.But,how am I in my room?

I quickly got up from bed and looked in my boot only to find my dorm key missing.I began panicking and searching for the key.Soon enough,I found it inside my messenger bag for school.How did it get in there? Everything was not making any sense.I stood there in confusion but was soon reminded that I needed to go to class.

I immediately ran into the shower and cleaned myself.While showering,I noticed a slight bruise on my wrist,must have been from last night.

After showering,I slipped into a flowy white dress and layered a cream coloured cardigan over it.I put on the same pair of ankle high boots from yesterday and grab my messenger bag before leaving my dorm.

*・゜゚・*:....:**:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

"My name is Kamiya Shiroe.Pleasure to meet everyone." I introduced in front of the classroom.

"Our school is short on female uniforms,so,Kamiya-san over here will be allowed to wear her own clothing to class." Our teacher exclaimed.

"Alright,everything has been settled,Kamiya-san please take your seat." I nodded and went to sit at the back of the class.Throughout the whole lesson,I didn't bother to pay attention since I've already learned the same thing for over a few years now.Since I look sixteen,I always register myself as a sixteen year old in schools.

Torturous hours later,we were finally allowed to leave for lunch.In my case,nature walks.I placed all my supplies into my messenger bag and exit the classroom.Unfortunately,I was stopped by a few guys by the door.

"Kamiya-san,do you want to have lunch with us?" I politely declined.

"Kamiya-san,you look really nice in that dress!" I thanked him for the compliment.

"Kamiya-san,I'll buy you lunch if you want!" I told him I wasn't feeling hungry.

"Kamiya-san,your hair is so soft." One of the guys said,feeling my hair.

"Erm,I need go somewhere..." I gently push through the guys.I'm quite use to all the attention but it doesn't mean I like it.

"Kamiya-san,let me take you there!" One of them suggested but I declined.

"Kamiya-san,I'll escort you there!" Another one of them said,I declined as well.Before anymore guys could offer to take me to my destination,I ran.I ran for my nymph life.

Behind me,a whole bunch of guys followed.I sighed,this always happens on the first day of school.Due to my extraordinary being,I let out a really nice aura to human guys,if there's any other supernatural beings out there.It basically feels like love at first sight...times two...

Zero's POV
As I was heading towards the cafeteria,I heard a lot of footsteps behind me.I turned around only to be bumped into by...Shiroe?

"Oh my goodness,I'm so sorry.Errr,ciao!" She said running away.Not long later,a group of guys came running.I could hear a few of them talking about how Shiroe was angelic,polite and nice.Seems like she's already popular on the first day of school.She looked quite tired from running,might as well help her out.

"No running in the hallway! Go to the cafeteria silently!" I commanded.All of the guys stopped running and started walking normally to the cafeteria in fear of me telling the headmaster.

Shiroe's POV
Somehow,the guys had stopped following me.I don't know how I outran them but I thanked the gods for their help.Before long,I heard more footsteps.But this time,it sounded like walking.I'm guessing it's not a fanboy.

"Shiroe?" A calm voice called out.I hopped out of my hiding spot and was met with a pair of violet eyes.

"Zero,what are you doing here?" I asked curiously.

"I got rid of your fanboys but I suggest you stay away from the cafeteria."

"Thanks for the help." I giggled.

"Aren't you gonna eat anything?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"No,I'm not hungry.I'm just gonna go take a walk." I said walking away.

"Strange..." I heard him whisper.

*・゜゚・*:....:**:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

After recess,everyone went back to class.I managed to hide from my fanboys throughout the rest of the day.Lessons went by quick and I was currently heading back to my dorm.

As I was walking,a female day-class student ran past me in a hurry.I could hear her constantly saying something about 'Aido-senpai' and how he was waiting for her.Isn't Aido the night-class student from last night? Out of curiosity,I followed her.

Soon,we arrived at a large gate surrounded by a crowd of girls.But someone seems to be holding them back from going near the gate.

With the help of a few commands,I was able to sneak up a tree and get a view of the whole scene clearly.I got comfortable and sat on a branch cross-legged.Yuki was desperately trying to get the crowd of girls to get back but was cut off when the gate screeched open.I watched as a group of students in white uniforms strut out of the gate.

I swung my legs back and forth as a habit while playing with some leaves.The scene in front of me wasn't really that intriguing,it was just a bunch of students in white uniforms anyway.

Kaname's POV
The gate screeched open to reveal a crowd of fangirls screaming.I gave a smile causing a few of them to blush.While walking,I noticed a girl sitting on a tree branch.She seems to be distracted by something.I took a closer look but someone bumped into me.

"K-Kaname-senpai..." Yuki stood in front of me looking like a mess.I pat her hair in place and fixed her uniform.

"Are you okay,Yuki?" I asked with concern.

"Y-Yes." She stuttered.

"I'll be going now." I smiled.

I looked towards the direction of the girl from earlier,just in time to see her jump down from the branch effortlessly.She began walking away,her brown curls bouncing.But there was something wrong about her.

She was leaving a trail of flowers behind her...The flowers bloomed on every part of the grass that she stepped on.

I felt suspicious of her,so,I mind linked Takuma to follow her.

Shiroe's POV
I hopped down from the branch and pat the dirt off the back of my cardigan and dress.Since I'm out here,a short walk around the woods won't be a problem right?

I happily skip into the forest,away from the fangirls and began inhaling the fresh air around me.The deeper I wander into the forest,the more relieved I felt.But,something didn't feel all that right.

"Who's there?" My voice echoed.No replies.I immediately sprinted back to my dorm.

Kaname's POV
"Kaname-sama,I'm not sure whether she could be a threat or not but she could easily sense me although I was keeping a good distance between us.I suspect she's a vampire in disguise." Takuma informed standing beside me.

"Hm,I want you and the rest of the night-class to keep an eye on her."


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