Chapter 12: Time To Practice

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Author's Note: Sorry for the extremely long wait. I'm currently at war with writer's block. Slowly winning the battle. Anyway here's chapter 12.


"Um, what rule would that be daddy", I was acting dumb hopefully he would go easy on me.

"Daddy? Oh you know you're trouble don't you? Well, this phone may prove you had a boy in your room. I know he's a good guy and you've been through a lot, but that doesn't excuse this. I don't think Angela is dragging what's his face into her room every chance she gets."

"If only you knew", I mumbled.


"Nothing, and Collin's phone was dying so he put it to charge in my room that's all", I said hoping he would believe it. Someone knocking at the door stopped dad from telling me anything else.

"We're not done here, come on", he said motioning me to follow him. We went downstairs and when my dad opened the door Collin was there.

"Hello sir, I'm here to pick up my phone. See I left it in Jade's room charging and I didn't remember until I got home." His expression changed. I could tell he believed it and he felt bad for accusing me. Guilt began to take over my body and I wanted to tell him he was right, but that meant Angela would be the good child. Not gonna let that happen.

"Uh sure, here you go", he said handing Collin his phone.

"Thank you, see you at school Jade", Collin said taking his phone and driving off.

"Jade I'm sorry I doubted you, it's just that you know your mom and I were teen parents and I don't want history to repeat."

"Don't worry dad, I don't plan on being a parent any time soon", I said running back upstairs. How did Collin know what I told my dad and how did he leave so fast? I decided to go check on Angela; I wanted her to get in trouble, but not today.

"Are you decent", I said opening the door with one hand and covering my eyes with the other.

"If by decent, you mean full closed no, but I am in my underwear, and no, Damien is not here. He climbed out of the window with Collin", she said putting on her shirt. "Ok, I'm kinda decent now", she said. I took my hand of my eyes.

"With Collin", I asked confused.

"Yeah, he knocked on my window. If it wasn't for him dad would have caught me and Damien in bed", she said grabbing her clothes and leaving to the bathroom.

"Hurry up, I wanna get to school on time", I said before she closed the bathroom door. I went back to my room to get my phone, but I couldn't find it, all I found was a note from Collin.

I put your phone on silent. Have Fun!

I decided to look for it when I got home. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs where Angela was already waiting for me.

"Hurry up Jade. I wanna get to school on time", she said grabbing the keys and heading towards the car. I got to the car and she was sitting on the driver's side.

"Hell no, sweetheart. Move you little butt", I said opening the car door.

"Dad said I could drive to school today. I wanna get my license and I need practice."

"Did he really say that or are you lying", I said crossing my arms.

"Yes dad actually said that", dad said walking up behind me.

"Ugh fine", I said walking over to the passenger side of the car. Dad opened the garage door and we left for school.

"For dad I leave my favorite guitar and necklace. For Cynthia I leave my favorite bracelet, for Kate I leave... nothing", I said as Angela drove.

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