Chapter 24 - A Mistake?

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Willow's POV

When we get to the airport, Caspar only says hello to me for Zoe's vlog. For the entire flight, he asks me if I'm excited for Alfie's vlog. When we get to the hotel, he agrees to take a photo with me and a viewer. At dinner, he doesn't say anything except "Can you pass the ketchup?" After dinner, we all say our goodnights and he goes to his room and I storm off to my own. Zoe runs after me.

"I can talk to him," Zoe offers. She hates seeing me so angry and upset. I used to be best friends with Caspar and now he won't even speak to me unless it's for a vlog or a viewer.

"No," I insist. "I don't need anyone to talk to Caspar, he just needs to get over himself,"

"Okay..." Zoe says uncertainly. Joe knocks on my room door. He's got Alfie's vlogging camera.

"Hey sisters!" he says, pointing the camera at us and flopping onto my bed, laying on all my neatly folded clothes.

"Joe, get off," I tell him, whacking him with one of my dresses. He pretends to cry and look sad for the camera. Zoe and I both laugh. He turns the camera off.

"How are things with Caspar?" he asks me. Great, he's concerned as well. That's all I need.

"Fine," I say. Even though they aren't. I don't even know why I bothered lying. "I don't care about Caspar and his stupid boy problems," I lie.

"Maybe you should go and talk to him? You know... Or whack him with your dress like you did to me?" Joe jokes. Zoe glares at him. "Or not," he says after he sees Zoe's face.

I laugh and sit next to him on my bed. "I don't know. I just keep thinking, is it even worth it?" I tell them.

"Of course it is, you and Caspar are best friends," Zoe says.

"Were best friends," I correct her. "Maybe I should move to America," I say, just thinking out loud.

"What? No!" Zoe shouts. Then she composes herself. "Willow, think about this -" she starts.

"What's to think about? That's where my job is," I interrupt.

"But you're nineteen years old. You can't just up and move to another country! It's bad enough that Zoe is moving to Brighton," Joe adds.

"Caspar did. And why can't I move if Zoe can?" I ask.

"Zoe's older than you. And she's only moving like two hours away," Joe argues.

"But -" I try.

"No, you aren't moving to America," Zoe snaps suddenly.

"I don't have to listen to you. You aren't my mum," I say. "Oh, maybe I should ask mum and see what she thinks. I think she'll be all over the idea,"  I decide.

"No way! You are not asking mum!" Joe insists. He knows mum will probably ask me why I'm not already there.

"Well I'll ask dad then," I say. Dad would probably say it was a good idea as well.

"Willow. Listen to me. You are not going to move to America. You're being ridiculous!" Zoe says bossily.

I try to argue but Joe speaks before I can. "We are not letting you flee the country just because the one guy you love happens to be with someone else and is ignoring you. If we have to, we'll make Caspar leave!" Joe jokes.

"What?" I hear a guy mutter from the entrance. I open my mouth. Caspar. Oh God, he had heard. He rushes off.

"Thanks a lot guys!" I shout sarcastically. "Caspar, wait!" I say, running out of the room. I catch up with him and grab his arm. "Wait. Can you at least let me explain?" I pant. He stops walking. "Joe... Joe was just joking... he was just... messing around," I try. Caspar just rolls his eyes.

"You really think I'm going to believe that?" he snaps.

"Caspar, please..." I beg. He doesn't say anything and just turns around and continues walking. "Casp!" I shout. He ignores me and is getting further away. I run after him and follow him into his room just before he shuts the door.

"Please, just go away," he tells me.

"No. I just want to talk to you!" I insist. "Can you please, just listen to me for once?"

"Fine, whatever," he sighs. We both sit on his bed. I try to think of what I'm going to say to him.

"Caspar... Joe wasn't... he wasn't messing around. What he said was true... I do... I do like you," I say slowly. I look to see how he reacts. He is expecting me to say more. "When we first met in that taxi, I knew that I liked you straight away and you called me and said you did too. But then you kissed that girl and I started to think that maybe you didn't know what you were saying because you were so drunk. And then, when we were at Alfie's, you said we would never be together and... well, that made me really sad because I liked you a lot by then. And then, everything happened with Jack and you were amazing and so supportive," I stop. Caspar is still looking at me.

"Okay," he says. "Is there more?"

"Yeah... when you... when you told me about Gaby, I was so jealous of her and I was angry at you and then we went to visit you and Alfie and you told Gaby that I was 'Just Willow Sugg'. I felt like you didn't give a shit about me anymore and I just wish you had. I don't want you to like me back... not like that. And I know you don't. But I miss you so much.... and I really wish... I just wish that we could be friends again. But I mean, I would understand if you don't want to because I'm just like some crazy freak who is in love with you but I -" I ramble but am stopped by Caspar putting his lips to mine.

He's kissing me. Caspar Lee is kissing me!

"Ca -" I try to say but he won't stop. We're laying on his bed now and both kissing each other passionately. "Casp -" I try again.

"Shut up," he tells me, mid-kiss. I do. This feels amazing.

He takes my top off and I take his off and soon we are both naked, kissing each other. "Do you want me to?" he asks. "Are you ready?"

I nod "I am," I say. I really am.

It was the most magical thing. Something that was so worth the wait. When we finish, we are both laying side by side, grinning. "I love you too," Caspar says and pulls me into a hug.

I am grinning like a maniac and we end up falling asleep like this, tangled together.

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