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THE TEA SHOP WAS SO QUIET THAT ANY ONE COULD HAVE HEARD A PIN DROP. Emma stared at her ceiling, watching the shadows of her moving fingers dance across the dark wood. She couldn't sleep, not after her training session that morning where she quickly learned that apparently she had been gifted with not one, but two elemental powers. The girl was, not going to lie, a little annoyed that destiny gave her two when she didn't even want one.

But it was decided. Emma May Brookstone had the power of earth and air.

The girl sighed as these thoughts ran through her head and she sat up in her bed very quickly. She heard an annoyed groan from a bed near her and almost if on queue, Kai sat up. "Can't you just go to sleep?"

She rolled her eyes and swung her legs over her bed, now noticing all the ninja open their eyes and sit up or turn over to pay attention. "Can't you? I'm not the only one up," she snapped, wandering into the connecting bathroom and turning on the hot water to splash onto her face. "Your breathing is getting on my nerves," Kai replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

Emma looked at him and shut the water off, "Oh, I'm sorry. Why don't I just stop breathing?"

Jay rolled his eyes and mumbled annoyed words under his breath, clearly realizing he wasn't getting sleep that night. "I wish I could stop breathing," he grumbled, sliding off the top bunk and landing on his feet.

He pushed past Emma and walked to the bathroom, "In going to pee in piece, shut the screen if you wish," he announced to the team, Emma grimacing in disgust and whipping around to slam the screen door closed. "Gross," Lloyd cringed, shaking his head. "A man's got to do what a man's got to do!" Jay shouted from inside the bathroom, earning an eye roll from Cole and a slap on the wall from Emma to get Jay to shut up.

"Everyone shut up!" Bay's voice screamed through the walls, a fist coming in contact with the wall that was behind Kai's head, making him jump and stare at where Nya probably threw a shoe. "That's my sister, everyone. A true princess she is," Kai said with a small grin, sliding out of bed to most likely go talk Nya to sleep.

The door shut behind him and Zane finally sat up, looking at his brothers and Emma. "Are we all awake now?" He asked. Cole nodded, "Apparently. And thanks to Nya, maybe a little deaf, too."

Jay finally came out, the screen opening and a satisfied smile on his face. "Well, now that that's taken care of, I believe we have a little counseling to do for Emma?" He asked, climbing up the side of his bed before plopping on it. He propped himself onto his elbows and looked at the girl who was now standing in the center of the room with her arms folded across her chest. "I am not a patient who needs your therapy," she replied with a cold tone to her voice. "Ah, come on, you can talk to us," Lloyd encouraged. "We've gone through the entire element thing before. We're quitegood at understanding it all."

Cole sat up straighter, trying to really depict what was going on with his baby sister. "Okay, alright," Emma shrugged, "So what about my mom who was dead because of her powers, but is now really alive after passingdown her powers to her two kids, but not even mentioning the supposed air powers I have. And then," Emma said, dryly laughing as she continued, "And then I'm scared to go to sleep because I don't know if I'll get amother haunting dream of my mom." she finished, looking at her friends.

Jay frowned, "I have to pee again."

He hopped off the bed and raced back into the bathroom due to not being able to answer the questions and Emma was left with a nindroid, a brother, and a friend to help her out. "I think sleeping is the best option, Emma," Zane suggested. "It will put your mind to rest and you'll wake up tomorrow with a new energy."

"I think Zane's right," Cole agreed, pushing himself off his bed and grabbing his blanket. "I'll sleep right next to you and make sure you don't have any bad dreams. I'll wake you up the second I see you having one, deal?" He asked, sitting down on Emma's bed and adjusting the pillows and blankets so he could sit down. Emma sighed, "I guess so," she said, sitting down next to Cole and moving to lay down. He smiled, "Good. You'll feel better in the morning," he told her as he ran a hand through her hair and kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, guys," Cole told his team, saluting them off before closing his eyes and resting against his sister. The younger earth elemental closed her eyes as well and hoped nothing would disrupt her sleep. It was only then did Lloyd and Zane exchange a look and feel comfortable with laying back down. And it was then when Jay poked his head out of the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief that it was all clear and he could go back to bed.

Black with a Hint of Silver  [ 1 ] | Lloyd GarmadonWhere stories live. Discover now