First Date: Ice Skating

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"I don't know...," I say hesitantly. "I've never gone ice skating before, what if I fall and break my butt?"

Niall just looks at me for a second before breaking out into hysterical laughter.

"It's not funny!" I yell at him, "it can really happen!"

"Don't worry, Dani. If you fall, I'll catch you before you even hit the ground. Deal?"

I mull it over for a second, this might not be such a bad idea... It's a good excuse for you to get his hands on you. "As long as you promise that you won't let me fall."

"I swear," he holds out his pinkie and I link mine with his, making  the agreement with a "pinkie-promise."


"Size eight please," I say to the woman behind the counter of the skate rental. Niall asks for a size fourteen. Why do boys have such big feet, I ask myself.

"Because if we had small feet, we'd look weird," Niall answers.

"Oops, I said that out loud. That was supposed to stay in my head."

He gave a small chuckle at my awkwardness, then wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses my forehead lightly. "Don't worry about it, I think it's really cute how you say things like that."

Oh, I think, keeping my thoughts to myself this time. He thinks I'm cute.

"Umm... So ice skating. You have to teach me how."

"Yea, ok, so put you skates on," he says releasing his hold on my shoulders. I pout slightly sitting on a bench to put the skated on my socked feet; I had to give up my shoes to the woman who gave me the skates. It must be so I won't steal the skates, I think to myself. Not that I want to steal them in the first place.

"Ok, skates on... Now what?" I ask.

He smiled at me, "Now stand up." I do. He grabs my shoulders from behind, pushing me gently, urging me to walk towards the ice. "Go on, walk to the rink."

"I'm trying, but balancing on an eighth inch of steel isn't easy let alone walking on it."

Niall laughs at my remark. He likes to laugh at me. I guess I'm funny.

"I know, don't worry, you'll get the hang of it."

Finally I reach the ice and step onto it. I slip immediately.

"Whoa!" Niall exclaims as he grabs me around the waist so I won't hit the ice. My shirt rides up a small bit and his calloused hand is sitting on my bare stomach. I blush involuntarily but don't move away as I right myself again.

"Ugh, already?" I voice my frustration at my uncoordinated self.

"It's alright," Niall breathes in my ear, giving me gooseflesh. "I've got you, I won't let you fall, remember?"

"You won't let me fall...," I say out loud.

"Let's try again, I'm going to let go of you and you're going to push off just like you would if you were roller skating."

"What? No-" I start to say before he lets go of my hips and I'm left standing without his support and Niall stands by my side.

"Alright, Dani. Just push, just like roller skating."

I shake my head "no," I can't do it. I'll fall, I know I will.

"You won't fall, I'm here to catch you."

"Dammit, thoughts. Stay in my fucking head."

Niall laughs at me again, "Go on."

"I can't," I say.

"You can," he answers.

"No, I need you to hold my hand because I'm going to die if you don't help me and I swear, if I die I will come back just to kill you. So hold my fucking hand so I don't die."

"Okay, okay, no need to get violent," he says, grabbing my left hand in his right one. "Now will you try to move?" he asks.

I  just nod and start to glide my feet forward. I'm doing it. I'm moving. I'm not dying. I'm not dead.

"That's it, you're doing great!" Niall encourages me, he squeezes my hand slightly.

"This is fun! I'm not dying, I'm ice skat-!" I slip.

Niall tries to keep me upright using our interlocked hands, but fails and ends up being pulled on top of me as I hit the ice.

I land face up with him on top of me, our noses nearly touching.

"Liar," I say with a smirk. "You promised you'd catch me, now look at you; you've fallen on top of me," I let out a small giggle.

"Sorry," Niall tells me sincerely. "Let me make it up to you," he gives me a devilish grin.


He leans in slowly and I think he's going to kiss my forehead again, but no. He kisses me right on the lips and I kiss him back passionately; our lips moulding together.

I reach my arms up to wrap them around his neck while his are busy keeping himself from having his whole weight on my small frame. I don't even care that we're in public or sitting on ice or that people have started to stare.

He pulls away slowly after a minute and looks down in to my eyes and smiles. I smile back and he starts to rise off me.

Once standing he holds out his hand for me to take, he helps me up and holds me to his chest once I'm standing.

"Best first date ever," he whispers to me.

"Best first kiss ever," I whisper back.

"Want to make it two?" He asks.

|I hope you liked it, more to follow if you did. Remember to leave requests to my twitter @teegan_anya.|

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