Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sam's POV

6 Months later

I was making my monthly trip up to the top of the island when I looked down at the surrounding beach and saw ant like figures making their way onto shore. I sighed and continued walking, there was nothing I could do for them and even if I wanted to they would never expect my help.

Six months. Today was the semi anniversary for when I lost everything. Also the monthly anniversary for when I tried to get off this island. I learned after the fourth time that for some reason this island wouldn't let me die. The first month anniversary the noose broke. The second time I jumped off a cliff into one of the many waterfalls and I woke up on shore perfectly fine. You see how one might be discouraged.

Other than that I tried to make the best of things. I built multiple homes all around the island that were more like homes rather than one room apartments. I had been surprised at the resources on the island and wondered why no one inhabited it besides me and the various wildlife.

As I neared the end of my 15 mile trek to the plane I mentally prepared myself for the onslaught of emotions that always accompanied seeing the plane where my loved ones perished. After the second monthly visit I learned not to actually go into the plane anymore. The sight of their decaying bodies was enough to drive me over the edge, literally.

I briefly wondered if they were as stuck up as the other people that had crashed onto shore but dismissed the thought. There had been three shipwrecks and one helicopter wreck on the island since I'd been here. The first group of people was about three people that thought rescue would find them immediately and when they didn't they went a little bit insane.

They tried to stab me in my sleep.

After that they tried to see if they could get cell service at the very top of the island. At that point I had familiarized myself with the island and knew without me or prior knowledge of the island that they would die within the first six miles. Believe me I would've loved to help them get off this island and away from me but I, unfortunately, had a stab wound in my stomach. Needless to say I hadn't heard from them but judging by the screams and a very happy Emerald the next few days I assume the rather large cats on the island had found them. Emerald was a puma of some sorts and we had a somewhat friendship. I fed her, she slept with me on cold nights and kept the rest of her friends from eating me. The animals are actually not horrible on this island.

I heard the birds around me chittering loudly and I slightly smiled and pulled some berries of nuts out of my backpack and held it out on my hands. Five birds gathered around me and I dropped the berries and nuts and continued on my way. It seemed as though I was feeding the entire island at this point. I chuckled softly.

I finally reached the plane and I sighed. I had sometime this month come to terms with the fact that my family died and wasn't coming back and there was nothing I could do about it and I might as well make the best of it. I went up to the plane and stroked the sides of it as I walked by. I caught a glimpse of myself in the window of the plane and my eyes widened slightly in surprise. My dirty blonde hair was now a light honey color and my blue eyes glistened with unshed tears that hd gathered on the way up here. What I was most shocked about was that my skin was now tanned in a sunkissed way which was a miracle since the only thing I did before was burn.

I walked over to the edge of the landing I was on and sighed. The island seemed a lot bigger from up here. One time I tried to measure the length of the island. I eventually stopped but I estimate it was probably about four city blocks wide and two in length. On the north side of the island it looked as though someone had just cut a sliver from the island where the river feeds into the ocean.

I started the anniversary by cleaning off the plants and dirt that got onto the gravestones while I was gone in the past month. I then went into my house and got a sip of water from the barrel I keep in my house. I have one in each house, sealed tightly. I always refill it before I leave the house. I sat down in front of all of the gravestones facing away from the island and sat there. I prayed and I thought of what I would say to them if they were here.

It lightly started to rain and I sighed with my eyes still closed. It was going to be a long day.


Harry's POV

The boys and I were all ready to drop after that concert in Dublin. We all sat in the airport waiting for our flight and trying not to get noticed. Louis and Niall sat on either side of me, Niall was fast asleep and Louis was entranced in whatever was on the television.

"Mate, what are you doing?" Liam asked wearily. Without realizing it I had leaned it so close to Louis' face to try and scare him when he turned and looked my way. I guess joke was on me though cause I near about jumped out of my seat when Liam addressed me.

"I thought he had a mole." I replied quickly.

"What?! No I don't! Hazza that's not funny!" Louis said attempting to wake Zayn to see if he could borrow his mirror. Good luck with that one, Zayn slept like the dead.

"So Lou, what were you watching on the TV?" Liam said trying to keep the rest of us awake.

"Well apparently six months ago today an entire plane went missing! There were over 40 passengers on the plane and it just poof disappeared! They were just showing pictures of all the missing passengers asking anyone saw them, they were all related though so it's incredibly tragic." Louis said talking rapidly and making hand motions.

"Why were you looking so hypnotized though?" Harry asked.

"Well th-there was this girl, uh she was one of the passengers and um, she was like a teenager." Louis managed to get out turning bright red under his tan.

"Hittin on dead girls,Lou? That's a new low for ya." An Irish accent said joining the conversation.

"You can't- I wasn-" Louis was interrupted by the arrival of our jet to get back to America.

"Man, I don't know what I'd do if we didn't get our own private jet." I said tiredly. Louis slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Well Harreh I would say that the fans would probably find their way onto the flight and tear at your clothes and hair until you were nude and bald then they would most likely rape you." Louis said logically and I couldn't help the look of morbid disbelief evident on my face. "You asked Haz, you asked."

"Where are we goin next, Li?" Niall asked.

"Niall don't you remember? We're heading over to New York." Liam responded.


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and eat your peas. (Not in that order)

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