Ariana's POV
I woke up next to Justin, his arm around my naked body and my leg above his waist. I giggled quietly to myself and rolled on top of him. I kissed him softly, and his eyes fluttered open as he kissed me back.
"Just give me five more minutes, princess," he said groggily as he closed his eyes again. I shrugged and got off him, slipping on my panties and one of his over sized t-shirts. I padded down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, put some headphones in and played the Purpose album. I opened the cupboards and looked for the ingredients for pancakes ( for Justin ), when I'd found them, I set them out on the counter and made some salad for myself.Justin's POV:
A sweet smell woke me up so I pulled on my boxers and my sweats and walked into the kitchen to see Ariana dancing around in my grey shirt with headphones in, frying pancakes. The table was set for two with a salad on one mat and a plate of pancakes on the other. I walked up behind her, put my arms around her and kissed her cheek. She jumped, then laughed softly turning around and hugging me.
"This is a nice surprise," I whispered into her hair. She laughed and said,
"I know."
"I could get used to this," I smirked.
"You wish." she smiled, pulled away and set the remaining pancakes on the table
skip the eating
Ariana's POV:
I walked back into the bedroom locking the door, then, I got dressed, grabbed one of his t-shirts, a hoodie and a pair of shades and walked into the kitchen to see him on his phone. He looked up as I was pulling on the jumper,
"what's that for?" he asked, "It's boiling, Ariana!" I sighed and began to explain. "It's to hide my face, I don't want anyone to recognise me leaving your house" I said. "Ohh okay." he took my hand and led me to his car as I put on his shades.
We got in the car and he smiled, "Next stop, your place."
I laughed and sat down, "Okay," I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket.
Justin's POV:
"Listen, I'm flying out in two days to California." I said, cautiously, watching her facial expression as she looked up from her phone.
she frowned; "So..?"
"Uhm.. I don't want to touch you again before you're sure you want this. I don't want you to regret it and I don't want to be your rebound; but if we wait, we'll have to wait until after I get off tour." I said slowly and carefully.
"wait, so you don't want me?" she asked pouting with a little hurt in her eyes. It killed me to do this.
"No! Of course I want you, fuck, I want you so bad, every second of every day but-"
I could feel my eyes getting dark with lust as I replayed last night's events in my mind.
"That's all I needed to know." she smirked.

He's Not You
FanfictionAriana doesn't think he's the one. they have to break up but then he quits. Her life is hell, but can The One fix it? CONTAINS SMUT