Justin's POV;
Today was the day.. I was on my way to the concert where I would perform with Ariana. She's so adorable and hot at the same time. So different to Selena. She has this feisty look in her eyes that's not always attractive, but with Ariana, you can't stop laughing. She's so optimistic and bubbly, when she laughs, it makes you want to laugh. I don't think I've ever seen her cry off stage, she's the cutest little thing ever.
Before I knew it, my chauffeur told me I'd arrived and I got out of the black limo ready to embrace my fans, they always made me smile. I signed a few autographs and took a few pictures with my beliebers and made my way inside. I scanned the stage and the seats but Ariana wasn't here yet. Kind of disappointed, I walked on to the stage with my backup dancers.Ariana's POV;
I opened the doors to the concert hall and smiled as I saw Justin rehearsing on stage. He was so cute. I stood there watching him sing 'No Pressure'
"You didn't think to wait for me?" I shouted, at the end of the song, laughing. He spun around and saw me standing there, he laughed and said
"Sorry, I didn't realise it was ladies first," I walked forwards, "it's ALWAYS ladies first, J." I said, smiling.
He hopped down from the stage, "Good to see you, Grande" he chuckled as he hugged me. "You too, Bieber." I laughed. It was always fun with Justin, I never had to worry about the stresses of my life because he always made me laugh and forget my problems for a while.
"Okay, enough small talk, let's get rehearsing." I said to him. He jumped on stage and held out his hand to me, helping me to get on. I took it and his hand was the softest thing ever, not gonna lie. I jumped up and we started to sing What Do You Mean together.
*skip the rehearsal time*
The show was... unbelievable. It was so much fun performing with Justin again. I clicked open my Twitter to tweet something but all I saw was pictures of me and Justin with #Jariana. Pictures of the concert. Him and me. I never really noticed all of those little details. Like the way he was looking at me or the way he touched me. Oh god.I walked down to my dressing room which was next to Justin's but on my way I saw Justin talking to some tall, thin blonde woman. She was touching his hair and he was laughing. I don't know why but I got this weird burning in my chest. I didn't like seeing them together. No idea why but I just didn't. I stalked past them, visibly upset to my dressing room.

He's Not You
FanficAriana doesn't think he's the one. they have to break up but then he quits. Her life is hell, but can The One fix it? CONTAINS SMUT