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Song: I Want To Write You A Song- One Direction

"Alright, it looks like they're gonna send a bus but it won't be here until 11 or 11:30. We're gonna have to walk over to the Waffle House because Dairy Queen closes at 9," Coach announced, looking a little less stressed. I stood sleepily, the ice cream settling in my stomach and my eyes feeling slightly heavy.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked as we all slowly walked across the street.

"I'm just kind of sleepy," I shrugged. "I've drank so much coffee in my life time that it doesn't really do anything for me anymore."

"Coffee always gets me a little hyper." We sat down again this time, only the booth was much smaller and more cramped. Our legs were touching all the way and I leaned on the table with my elbows, smiling widely. It wouldn't have been a big deal to anyone else, but it was a big deal to me. I wasn't really sure why, but I wasn't going to waste the time I had to spend with him trying to figure it out. I watched him as he talked and laughed and glanced at me off and on. I had read somewhere that whoever you look at first when you start laughing is who you're most comfortable with in the room. Harry always looked at me. 

We split a chocolate chip waffle and some bacon, fighting over the last piece before breaking it into uneven pieces and he handed me the bigger piece with a small smile. By the time the bus got to us, I was full of sugar and content that Harry and I had somehow grown closer in the past few hours without spilling any personal information. Filing onto the incredibly cramped bus, I plopped down next to him.

"Thank God we get to go home tonight. I don't think I could've gone another day without sleeping in my own bed," I chuckled quietly. 

"Me either, but I'm glad that we got to hang out and have some fun," he replied, the lights dimly reflecting his features I hadn't noticed before as we sped past them. The bus was filled with road noise and a slight cold breeze and I huddled underneath Harry's blanket as best I could to get warm. 

"Thanks for sharing food with me. I appreciate it." I didn't want to directly look at him, his smile made me want to smile even wider than I already was. 

"Yeah, no problem." His voice was quiet and smooth, a hint of tiredness made it sound as if he was older than just 17.  I leaned my head on his pillow, the softness making me even more sleepy. My eyes closed and I dozed off for a few minutes before waking back up, my knees hurting.

"There's no room on this bus," I groaned, wanting nothing more than to stretch my legs out. Rolling my eyes, I took Harry's pillow from underneath my head, laying it across his lap and plopping my head back down, now much more comfortable. My legs stretched into the aisle and I quickly fell back asleep. 


"Parker, we're back." I slowly opened my eyes to the dark and sat up. Rubbing my eyes as I stood, I walked through the aisle, out into the cold air. Grabbing my bag from the back of the bus, I slowly made my way toward my car, opening my trunk. 

"You got all your stuff, Parker?" Coach Earnhardt called.

"Yeah," I nodded, giving him a thumbs up, slamming the trunk closed. I took a deep breath, the cold air filling my lungs and waking back up. 

"Hey," Harry laughed. I turned around, his cheeks flushed, a wide dimpled smile on his face. 


"I had- um, a lot of fun this weekend." 

 "Yeah, me too."

"Are we friends on Snapchat? I don't know if we are." He pulled his phone from his pocket and I opened the app. 

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