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Song:Like Real People Do- Hozier
My Heart is Open- Maroon 5

I took a breath to speak, trying to find my own thoughts while processing what he said. The words weren't coming and I just smiled. That's all I knew to do. Now I felt like a complete idiot for saying London. Of course anywhere he was with me was where I wanted to be, but I didn't want to sound stupid for saying it before he did. 

"Are you okay?" he asked, his fingers intertwining with mine. 

"Yeah, I'm just not sure what to say," I laughed. 

"I hope what I said didn't make you uncomfortable or anything. That wasn't my intention. I was trying to be sweet, but if it came off creepy or anything I'm-"

"No, it wasn't creepy. It was really sweet." My usual laugh turned into a girlish giggle and he scooted closer to me. He was something special, a Christmas present all on his own. I wanted to lean in and kiss him, savoring his lips, but I didn't.

"Can I try something?" he murmured, his voice sweet and smooth.

"Yes." My voice was barely a whisper and I was thankful for the darkness hiding my blush. His palm cupped my cheek, his dimpled grin flashing as he leaned in, pressing a small peck to my lips.  It wasn't lustful or passionate, but gentle and sweet as he was being. It wasn't the worst case scenario for my first kiss and I was thankful that he kept it short. I couldn't help but smile.

"Can I kiss you?" I chuckled, my arm wrapping around his neck. Damn my painful shyness and hesitance.

"Yeah," he nodded with a quiet laugh. I pressed my lips to his, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away and fighting my urge to squeal. He continued to hold my hand even when it got into the wee hours and everything we said earned a sleepy laugh.

By the time we laid down, it was 1:07 and I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I took comfort in knowing he was laying next to me even with a small space between us.

"Goodnight, Harry."

"Goodnight, Parks." And my eyes closed with a happy heaviness.
The sun was streaming through the window and straight onto my face. I rolled over in annoyance, finding an empty cold spot where Harry was supposed to be.

"What the hell?" I sat up with a groan and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey, sleepy head," Harry beamed from the couch, food and coffee sitting in front of him.

"Hey." I stood carefully, plopping next to him with a deep sigh.

"Did you sleep okay?" he asked, kissing kissing my forehead.

"Eh," I shrugged. "I'll survive." He pulled my legs over his lap, handing me the brown paper bag I assumed food was in.

"I got you a cinnamon french toast bagel from that place around the corner and cream cheese too. I got the coffee because I was tired and figured you'd want some, too."

"Aw, thanks. I really do appreciate it." We both sat there, bagels and coffee in hand, talking and laughing as quietly as we could before moving out onto the front porch to sit in the sun.

"We'll go back to my house tomorrow and then stay there for the rest of the break because Jess has to work," I sighed, taking the last sip of my coffee.

"That'll be fun." The sounds of the city were still in the early stages, rising as lunch time approached and a few car horns were honked. The drivers were probably hangry,  but I don't blame them.

"Have you got your stuff together?" Mom asked, poking her head out of the front door.

"No. Not yet."

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