Another tag thing oops

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This was an art tag thing I never did so let's get to it~
Also choose a Planet! And I'll answer that question!

What was your inspiration?
I saw my oldest brother and I was absolutely astonished by his work and I wanted people to feel the same about me!

Do you draw with music? If so, what kind?
Happy music with dark lyrics.

What do you like to use the most for drawing?
Is that like "digital or paper" question??? If so, Paper...?

What is your favorite o.c.?
Chase Valentine because he's the one I've had the longest.

What would you do in your o.c.'s world?
Likely die haha

How did you get your style?
Watching anime but I don't really like anime that much anymore so I try lots of other styles...

Do you see art as a future career?

How much do you draw?
Like,,,, once every 2 days

When did you start?
2010, baby.
Holy shish, that was 6 years ago.

Do you strive to improve?

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