Seated At The Grounds (Allen's Curse)

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He's been in it deep for too long. Allen had been laughing about being a killer for so long that it was a natural reaction. Each day he'd go out and each night he would return home beaten up. His Brother Oliver had heard about the deaths. of the main country persons but had been avoiding telling Allen about his proof of authority, in fear for his country's survival. Allen started snooping around though, and soon came across a horrifying sight.

Allen looked around at the fallen countries. His curiosity had gotten the better of him and he started his search for America. He swung his bloody bat across the field careful not to touch any bodies. He dropped and saw the sun in Gus sunglasses before realizing what had happened. World War Three. He smirked in realization that nothing was left of the world and ran home to the awaiting Oliver. "Why didn't you tell me" , he yelled in frustration. Oliver had not told him and he didn't understand why he couldn't know that he had gained the rights to his country. Oliver Sat him down on the couch beside him and comforted him as best as he could. The heated Allen stood up and stormed to his room in anger and confusion.
Mattie, or Canada didn't know but wasn't really worried about it. Allen screamed in his bed and pillows. Because of his anger, Allen began to hurt others around him. Even if it wasn't killing them, it was still torture to then whatever he had done. He had ruined buildings or businesses and even went as far as to start a drug dealership only to have it harm anyone taking the massively growing drugs. Soon, he destroyed it and began physically torturing people for information on anything he might need to know. His only flaw was his soft spot for any female that was close to his 1p. That meant the only people that had not survived.
Soon he began crying. Even if he hadn't known the people personally they were still deep in his heart. No matter the situation he was hurting by the fact that America was hurting. And raining happened often in AmericA. He didn't know how to stop it. He tried everything, changing his ways, stopped eating fora while, and he had even went so angered that he could no longer be hurt. There are even times when he began harming himself Physically. It made him feel even worse and he just wanted to die.

His realization of his hurt was his curse. And there was no antidote or cure. He shook his head and stared at the posters on his wall, tears falling from his voilet eyes to the ground beneath him.There was only one cure for the curse. ....death. He thought of the total annihilation of America and how he shouldn't die for his stupid pains. Just then he stood up and walked to his dresser drawer. He pulled the top drawer open with such a strong force that it pulled completely out and fell to the ground. He had gotten aggressive, He grunted a few curses before sitting next to the drawer and pushing paper aside.He found his knife and pulled it out carefully as to not hurt himself in the hands.
His hand reached up to his neck and he whispered to himself, "If thus ends pain...Halle- fucking luluah I found my stress reliever." He then sliding his neck before falling to the ground screaming. Before he had blacked out, Oliver ran in and called the ambulance. Unluckily, Allen had survived.

Allen had woken up unable to move his body at all. He glances over to his right and saw some people but couldn't make out who they were due to his neck brace. They didn't say anything and he was pissed about that. He then yelled out in pain, "WHY AM I STILL HERE! ?" Just then a different voice, familiar to him replied, "Well, if you weren't here I would have never been able to fix your curse! My name is Kimiko Honda...I'm the suicide doctor here to help you feel happy and not hurt! "She sounded so cheerful......Allen felt happy for once in his life, although he didn't show it openly. His only reply was, "What are you doing still alive?"

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