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hey guys so this is super important

my friend (@Madbooks and I started this thing called Project Love Yourself 

im going to copy and paste an explanation for it, it's super important guys!!!!!!

As an artist, I always think there's room for improvement. I still have a hard time drawing eyes, faces, and hands (all of which I draw frequently) so I decided I wanted practice drawing real people.

And Valentine's Day is right around corner so that means single people (like myself) will be in a state of self-inflicted misery (Am I not pretty enough? Am I too fat? Why doesn't he/she notice me?).

So I decided to start Project Love Yourself.

Project Love Yourself is for my friends. My friends that have fought depression, self-harm, and low self-esteem because they are unique and beautiful in a way the media doesn't show. I instructed two of my friends to take pictures of their face, side profile, body (of course their clothed body), and a dramatic model pose (hands on face, staring into distance, etc.). Then I asked them to laugh.

I will take these pictures (not all of them, of course) and draw my friends. I want them to be able to see themselves in my eyes, where their flaws are their strengths, and their beauty is obvious. I want them to think, "I truly love myself."

I would be honored if you participated. Not everyone is an artist but that's okay. Personalize Project Love Yourself to your strengths. Write about someone instead of draw. If photography is your thing, take photos of someone dear to you. Do it however you'd like.

Let's help our friends love themselves.

EMAIL: proj.love.yourself@gmail.com

Message for any questions!

Accounts associated: @Madbooks @no-duh

so this is the account @ProjectLoveYourself and there r writing prompts and things like that on the page. pls PLS check it out guys. it would mean the world to amia and I

thank u so much for reading this

pls comment ur thoughts and message me, amia, or the account itself if u have any questions

(also aYYYYE I got a tumblr guys lol hmu if u have one mine is qveenfully (http://qveenfully.tumblr.com)

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