Two Years Later...

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Since that night, the world's quieted down a considerable amount. So long as you don't run into a herd of roamers or make any loud noises, you'll be fine. The birds still sing and it's usually sunny, the explosions have stopped and we've wandered quite a ways away from our neighborhood in Georgia. I'm not even sure if we're still in Georgia, to be honest. All that stuff about how nature won't be affected by the disappearance of humanity was actually true.

Since that first night, Corey hasn't taken his eyes off of me. He always insists on taking first watch and when we wander into towns and that I stay outside of the stores he raids and keep a watch out. I know he's still shaken up about almost losing me, but it's getting ridiculous at this point.

So when we were camping out in the woods a few nights ago, I was rather fed up with being treated like a child and decided to go for a walk and try to find something, anything, to prove to him that I can take care of myself! So I waited till he fell asleep and then, two hours of just lying on my side and staring off into the darkness, I set out on my journey.

I didn't get far before I found trouble. I was stepping lightly and carefully through the woods when I heard a twig break and what sounded like a roamer, I took off running as fast as I could, crashing through trees and making all kinds of a racket, when I tripped on a wire and it sent a net crashing down on me. I held back a scream as I tried to break free with my little pairing knife. Then I shifted and felt the grip of the katana on my back and remembered I had another option. I began slashing through the net and, once I was free, jumped up when I heard the sound of a gun cocking and a male voice "Sit back down or I will shoot." I did as I was told, my mind racing with wild scenarios as to how to get out of this situation instead of just complying with the man holding the gun.

I sat back down in the remnants of the net and held my hands on my head thinking to myself "well now you've done it" as the man with the gun approached.

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