Chapter twenty nine

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Hours after the ambulance took Miles away I continues to sit in the same position and the same place even though I was covered in his blood.
I prayed a few times for him to be alright.

Two days later Ethan returned, I guess he was just waiting for the police to go away.

Sera ran inside and hugged me tightly.
"I missed you mummy!" She dug her head into my thighs.

"I missed you to sweetie, and your brother."

Ethan walked in with Jacob in his arms and looked down at me, instead of passing me my sleeping son he took him straight into his room, he then put a movie on for Sera, then picked me up tightly by my arm and took me into my room.

"It's your fault, you know that right? He came over here for you, he got put into a coma because he wanted you. You've always been mine Carson."

"I've never been yours... And you know before you got all crazy again and you were nice I was falling for you. But I'll never do that again, you're nothing to me but a psychotic obsessed criminal and I wish you would just die." I said bravely as I looked him in the eyes.

This time I swear I saw his eyes turn black for a split second, he grabbed my arm tightly and slung me onto the bed, before sitting on top of me and pinning me down.

The rest is all a blur, too many punches to the face, I was getting used to the constant every day abuse, it was organised into my schedule, I didn't bother wanting to leave or wanting to fight him off until one day, while Ethan was in the shower Sera pulled me into my room and say me on the bed.

"Mummy I know you're lying..."

"Lying about what sweetie?"

"You keep saying you keep getting bitten... But I saw daddy last night... I saw him hurting you, we have to get away, he can't hurt to no more." She said as she cried in my lap.

"He's gonna end up hurting you too much and you won't be here anymore, so pwease can we go pwease?" She sniffled.

I smiled slightly and nodded.

We began getting everything packed and getting Jacob ready, I made him a few bottles for the trip and put some fruit, juices and snacks in a Hesky bag with the bottles, I quietly put them in the car, as well as Sera and Jacob.

I then walked back into the kitchen to grab the car keys, Ethan was just getting out of the shower when I found them, he walked over to me with a towel wrapped around him.

"Please don't Ethan.." I sighed.

"You think I'm just going to let you walk away Car? I'm not fucking stupid now go get the kids."


"What did you say?"

"I said no Ethan, we're going, and you can't stop us."

"Oh yeah?"

He began walking outside, I chucked the closest thing I could at him, it was a small vase, but it got his attention, he stormed back, picked me up and slammed me onto the bench, he grabbed the smallest, but sharpest knife and began cutting my clothes off of me.

"Please Ethan stop it!"

He didn't listen, instead he put the knife into his pocket and dragged me by my hair into "my room" where I struggled and struggled to get away with him, he tied me down with three of his belts and continued cutting my clothes, he got undressed aswell and well you know what happens after that.

But afterwards, instead of sleeping and pulling out of me he stayed inside of me and began to trace my body with the knife.

"You deserve everything you get slut."

Out of no where he began digging the knife in deeper as he traced around the top half of my breasts.

I screamed in pain and begged him to stop but he just laughed and continued, he then locked up some of the blood and sucked on my nipples as well as thrusting inside of me again.

He pulled out a few minutes later and dug the knife into my thighs, cutting them as I screamed in pain.

The look on his face had expressed how much he enjoyed seeing me suffer.

"How about I just put you out of your misery huh?"

He stuck himself inside me again and tightened his hands around my throat, making me squirm around, I knew he liked it that way.

Minutes go by and I stopped squirming, but my arm slipped out of its loose hold and felt the bed for the knife he placed next to my head. His eyes were closed as he thrusted into me while strangling me aswell, I knew if I didn't do this faster I would be dead soon.

I quickly gripped onto the knife and brought it up to the right side of his neck, where I stuck it in and watched him as he got off of me and fell to the ground screaming and trying to stop the blood, I couldn't move and my breathing was slow, I reached his pants and grabbed the phone out of it, calling triple zero for the police and ambulance.

I was in unbearable pain but it was finally over, I was finally free. I drifted off. I didn't want to it just happened.

According to my doctor it was a few days later I woke up in the hospital.

"Where's my babies?!" I said as I tried to get up, I began panicking.

"Don't worry sweetie, they're fine." I heard my mothers voice. I smiled and began to cry.

"Mum I missed you so much." I cried, I couldn't hug her because little Jacob was in her arms and I didn't want to hurt him, I had drips, stitches above my breasts and on my thighs.

"W-what about E-Ethan?" I asked my parents as they held their grandchildren.

"The police said he was dead on arrival."

I felt free hearing that. I know that would've been bad to say but I was finally free of him.

"Ethan? What are you doing here? You're dead?" I said

"Pfft dead? You'll be the only one dead you spoilt slut."

He began choking me again, squeezing my throat tightly.
Until finally.

"Haha gotcha!"
He yelled and punched me.

I woke up in a panic and mum came in to hold me tight as I cried in her arms.

"He's gone sweetie, he's not coming back, he can't hurt you anymore my baby." She said quietly as she comforted me.

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