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The cold wind bruised Finch's face as he crawled out of his hoard of blankets. He looked around, taking inventory to see if anyone had robbed him during the night. Everything was as he left it. He pulled on his sweater, then his jacket, checked to make sure the money he had earned yesterday was still in the pocket. Folding the blankets and tucking them behind the dumpster, Finch threw a garbage bag full of shredded paper on top. Today was a big day and he couldn't risk losing anything. Today was market day and Finch intended to palm as much as he could.

"I don't want to goooo," I cried to my mother. "Why can't Lizzy go instead?"

"Because Lizzy is on a date and I can't do it alone. Now quit whining, grab your jacket, carry the tomatoes to the van, and remember the float money."

"I hate the market though! With all those dirty bums everywhere! What if I get mugged or something? Then what? I don't understand why you and Lizzy insist on always going to the bloody place." I shut my mouth immediately. Mother hated it when I let my English side show, but serves her right for sending me away to a boarding school in Britain.

"Jacob Tom Morris, you watch your mouth! You know how I feel about your awful language!" Mother shrieked at me. It always surprised me when she yelled because she was so frail and thin. She got lime disease a few years back and right before I was born she was a devoted anorexic. Now she works from home since she doesn't have the energy to make it to work.

"You're right mother, I'm sorry. Though, this probably could have been avoided if you hadn't sent me to that ruddy awful school..." We don't talk about school. Not much of a surprise there.

"We're going to be late Jacob, let's go." My mother doesn't look me in the eye when she says this, but instead shoves me my jacket and walks out the door. I sigh, pull on my jacket, and grab the tomatoes. It's going to be an interesting day that will probably end in a 'family talk' just after supper.

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