The Road to Hell

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*Jacob's PoV*

"What are you doing?! Jacob you had better take your arm off of Bird this instant or so help me-" Mother was on the verge of hysterics when she was interrupted by the least person expectable.

"Actually Miss, my name is Finch and Jacob here is helping me because I fucked up- err, screwed up my leg. I don't know why you're yelling at him for assisting me. It's actually quite rude, don't you think Jake?" he turned and looked at me with an amused face. I bit my bottom lip to keep for smiling. I hummed in response and without looking at Mother, I walked him over to a chair and helped him sit.

I turned and looked at mother. Her mouth was set in a firm line and her eyes were poison green. The feeling of wanting to smile quickly left me and I tilted my head to look at my shoes. My hands fiddled with the hem of my sweatshirt.

"You're right Finch, that was rather inconsiderate of me. However, you should know that Jacob has some problems he needs to sort out. I was merely trying to encourage the correct behavior," Mother smiled a sick grin towards me then to Finch. "You see, Jacob is a disgusting faggot. His father and I have been trying to assist him in following the word of God, but it seems he has fallen to the Devil."

I feel the telltale pricks in my eyes warning me that I'm about to cry. I look away and blink to end the feeling. I clear my throat and look up at the sky. Finch catches my eye and I give him a grim nod. he seems stiff and I wonder if he still respects me.

"With all due respect ma'am, I don't give a rats ass who your son wants to sleep with. All I really care about right now is fixing up my leg. Think you could help me with that?" Finch breaks the tension an I breath out in relief.

*Finch's PoV*

The sad, evil look on Mrs. Morris's face sends spikes of anger into my spine, making me it up a little straighter. How could such a nice, kind woman treat her son like this? It was like, one minute she loved him and would give anything to hold him in her arms. Then she seemed to remember that he was gay and some how that de-valued him. Sure, my mother is gone and probably dead for all I know, but I know how a mother is and isn't supposed to act and treat her kid.  Jake caught my eye when he looked up at the sky, he gave me a slight nod and a ghost of a smile.  This is enough.

"With all due respect ma'am, I don't give a rats ass about who your son wants to sleeps with. All I really care about right now is fixing up my leg. Think you could help me with that?" her face breaks from the hard cold plate that it was and she smiles like she didn't just say her son was an abomination. I vomit into my mouth a little.

"Oh! Of course! Silly me, never that great at observing things now am I Jacob?" She turns and smiles at him with big happy eyes and I get the vague idea that her mental health is slipping. I frown and becon them both closer.

"Would you mind taking me to the hospital? Jake said that it was infected and I really cant afford to be anymore useless than I already am." I chuckle at the end.

"Yes, yes. My Jacob is ever so good at being a doctor! Aren't you? yes, you are!" With the way she was talking, one might have thought she was talking to a small dog. Jake smiled at his mother, but there was something in his eyes that said he was worried.

"Yep, you're right mum. I am a good boy. Now you go pack up the stand, there's no point in staying here, it'll probably take awhile to get in to see a doctor anyways. I'll help Finch into the van alright?" he said all of this as if his mother was a little hard of hearing, but I didn't say anything. she nodded in understanding, kissed him on the cheek and walked off to pack up. as soon as she was out of earshot Jake sighed heavily,

"Please don't ask. I don't know what's wrong with her. She's never like this around anyone else. She just has these strange episodes where she treats me like a dog or a toddler. The rest of the time she treats me normally." Jake follows his mother with a sorrowful glaze covering his eyes. Then, as if he just had someone pour freezing water down his back, he turns back to me. "Let's get you into the car." His voice holds some cheer.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch, ain't it?" I ask. I get a grim smile in response as he puts his right hand on my left shoulder and his left hand grasps my right forearm.
"1... 2... 3...!" I rock my self forward out of the chair as Jake pulls me up. My extra momentum was unessisary and I am launched forward. I try to keep my injured leg prone and I'm bracing to hit the ground when I feel Jake's hold on my arm tighten and pull me upright.

"Holy fuck man, I thought I was 'bouta eat some nasty ass pavement. I owe you one." I clap Jake on the back in thanks. He steadily guides me into the passenger seat of this mothers souped up Toyota something-or-other. Its hot inside and he leaves the door open to vent out some air while he helps his mother load up the stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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