The Eaten Dream

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 It was December the twenty-second, at twelve o'clock from what I remember, when I saw her dead. When I had seen them all dead on my floor.

 I was asleep from what I knew of. During my sleep, I had a fantastic dream, in a beautiful world, filled with cotton candy clouds and lollipop trees. The people that would travel around the gingerbread town I was currently in were made of toothpicks and popsicle sticks. Their eyes were drawn on from a marker, and their hair was yarn.

The town was a happy and cheerful one from what I could see. It looked very tasty as well. So tasty that just looking at it made me very hungry. The smells, the colorfulness, everything. It was just all so sweet.

Everyone was going on with their day, so they wouldn't notice a mere tourist eating one of their houses, maybe even eating one of their gumdrop children wouldn't hurt, they had so many anyways. I walked down the sugar brick road, pink and white, and found the perfect house. Nobody lived here, right?

I broke it, piece by piece, shoving each part into my particularly large mouth. Each bit was delicious, in fact, too delicious. I began to crave more and saw the other houses which dirtied the land. I couldn't help myself and began my job, one by one, eating each of the peoples' houses. All I could hear was screams of terror in the background of my chewing, but I didn't care. I just continued on. One house at a time, not bothering to even check if the item next was edible. All I could tell in my mind was that it was food.

Everyone was horrified, that the new guest they had just treated with kindness and care, had destroyed the place they called home. Children and mothers were crying and screaming, the grown men grabbing their weapons to attack me. I began to see them differently now. The on-coming attackers, their faces were completely different from what they were before.

They were, grotesque. Their mouths were gaping open, almost like their jaws were broken. Eyes, blue or brown or green before, now were either pure black or blood red. They held dangerous guns, bloodied from previous battles. The noises they made were almost unbearable, terrifying. All the lighting of the world disappeared and turned to a hue of red, the sky went black.

As if someone had shot a cannon they pounced at me like a lion to a mouse, stabbing me with the ends of spears, shooting me with guns and arrows. The blood poured from my wounds and onto the already bloodied ground, children screaming louder and louder. The mothers were crying as they watched the men attack me, not knowing what to do. I could hear the ringing of the cries and screams, yells, and then, it happened. They all began to attack each other. 

The women ran with the children in their arms, trying to escape the insane, now murderers who were once their true loves. Some got raped and killed right in front of the mortified kids, whose necks were slit. This used to be peaceful city was now red and black, from the darkness I had revealed and the blood it brought.

Now, I wasn't extremely affected by any of this, immune to be honest. Usually, that wouldn't be the case for me, being a young, shy, kind dude. Stuff like this would make me terrified, more or less I would be dead. I Probably would have tried to kill myself with something like this. That's when my mind decided that this was a dream, waking from the feared state it was in. 

There was a weird liquid around my lips, with bits of what seemed like shreds of something bland, yet disgusting. My cheeks felt wet and sore. The room was dark and reeked of blood. My eyes had to adjust better to the low lighting to find three half eaten bodies and various objects with bites out of them.

They were my wife, children, and I had eaten them, and the items inside the home. That was why there were screams. Cries. I couldn't sob, I couldn't scream, all I could do is stare at what I had done. I never even knew that I was moving, let alone even actually hungry, for, something. I looked at my arms to see multiple stabs from what I assumed was a knife. I didn't mind that the pain was there, for I knew that they tried to save themselves from me. Eventually, my emotions set in, and I sobbed, knowing I had eaten the people I had loved, and that loved and trusted me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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