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Welcome...to the Eden of nothing...

I sat in this white room, wondering what had just happened. Who's voice is that? What are they trying to do? Why are they doing this? Those were just some of the questions I asked myself in this room of solitude. I got up from my sitting position and looked around. It was only white and nothing else...nothing else. I looked up at what would've been a ceiling, but there's nothing here is there...

"Hello?!" I yell. My voice echoed throughout the room.
"Hello?!?!" I yelled louder. Yet again, the echoes resounded in the room.
"Answer me!" I cried.

The sound of my voice sprang back to me many times, making feel alone and afraid. I sat back down on the floor and pondered about how I could get out...
Literally, there really isn't a way out. I mean, I mean a place full of nothing. I'm the only matter in here...but there's a floor. A floor in the middle of nothingness is just sitting here. How is there a floor in a room full of nothing? I lit up my hands up in flames, and I punched the ground as hard as I could.

The ground shattered to pieces, putting me in a fall for my life.

The white that was originally in the room turned to pitch black. I couldn't even see myself. A ringing sound filled the void that was in, and for some reason made me think I was about to die. Giving up, I closed my eyes and let my self fall into this abyss of literally nothing.

Do you want a perfect world?

The sound of a voice made me open my eyes again, but this time I wasn't in a black abyss, I was in a forest.

"Why do you want a perfect world?" The same voice asked. I turned around, and I saw a girl with long hair blond hair staring at me. She had a book with a pentagram on it, and she wore clothes that I have never seen before. Straps of chains wrapped around her, and she had a necklace with a diamond in the middle.

"Answer me. Why do you want a perfect world?" She asked again.
"Why should there be crime?" I asked.
"Without crime, how would we know what's right and what's wrong. If you're doing wrong, the first time you did it you probably didn't know it was wrong, but the second time you do it you know it's wrong..." She started.
"But with crime, destruction and devastation come behind it. A perfect world is one where no crime exists, so therefore the word wrong wouldn't exist either," I replied.
"But what if someone kills someone in this perfect world, they wouldn't know it's wrong is it? The word wrong doesn't exist in the perfect world right?" She replied. A few moments of awkward silence filled the air.

"Without wrong, we wouldn't know what is right," she said. I quickly got my sword and held onto my gun.
"Oh it seems you want to fight?..." She said. She quickly opened her book and a white light accompanied by feathers showed itself.
"Pegasus, come into me," she said quietly.

I quickly started to fire bullets, but a white horse with wings quickly blocked the bullets. The girl got on the horse and started charging at me, so I put my gun back in its place and grabbed my sword with both hands. The area around me started to fire up as I dashed towards her. My sword had cut right through the horse, however the woman was nowhere to be seen. The horses body suddenly turned into white dust, and a quiet voice filled the air. The voice and the horse were both connected with the woman, so I needed to find her. She's still around here somewhere...

I began to look around, but everywhere I turned she wasn't there. I sat down and thought about what I should do to find her. Maybe this is all just an illusion....I don't know for sure. I looked around,and I noticed a white leaf was falling, swinging back and forth. The last time something random fell from the sky and caught my attention, I was in a room with nothing but a floor. I quickly got up, grabbed my weapons and turned my focus towards the leaf. When the leaf had hit the ground, a black barrier began to move across the forest. Naturally, I decided to run and not get into this.

When the barrier had touched anything that was living, it turned into ash and who there's away. As I continued running, I witnessed the forest turn into a pile of ash, and in conclusion started to run even faster. What type of magic is this? Quartz told me there was four types and a fifth one they just discovered. What category does this fall under?!...

After a bit of thinking, a bright light had revealed itself at the end of the forest. I guess we were very close to the end because I had only been running for less the five minutes now. The light got brighter and brighter as I inched towards it, and finally I had reached the end. I continued to run, of course, and fortunately, the barrier had only stopped to the end of the forest. I quickly fell to my knees and just rested my body. I looked up and saw that there was one house in front of me, but if I went right or left, I would've probably went to another place with a lot of homes. I looked at the house once again and noticed a man coming towards me.

"What's going on here?!"

I looked up and saw a guy with a gun in his hands ready to fire.
"Oh, um...you see...I was running away from that thing over there. It's like a bomb in a feather type of situation..." I replied.
"Stop talking gibberish and tell me what's going on! You done destroyed my forest haven't you?!" The man said, clutching the trigger even harder.
"No I didn't destroy it, a woman laid a barrier-bomb thing. I swear, I didn't do anything to your forest.
"Cut the crap, and tell me the truth. Why'd you destroy my forest?" The man asked.
"I didn't destroy your for-" I began. The man fired a bullet, and it made a spot right next to me. I slowly grabbed my gun just in case he were to shoot around me or at me again.
"Why did you destroy my forest?" The man said.
"I didn't! What can I do to prove to you I didn't destroy it?" I asked.
"Show me your Alisium ID!" The man said.
Oh crap! What is an Alisium ID?
"Um...you see...I'm new here so do you mind showing me how to find the Alisium ID?" I asked. The man pointed his gun at my head.
"I'm being honest!! Please just show me how!" I yelled.

After a few seconds of silence, the man put his gun down and began his explanation. He lifted up his right hand and drew a plus sign in the air. Out of nowhere, a light transparent blue square appeared in front of him and had a picture of him and his documents. After looking at that, I closed my eyes and hoped I had an Alisium ID. I put my hand in the air, drew a plus sign, and opened my eyes. Surprisingly, I did have one! Thank God.

"Alright. Now put your hand on it, and tell me
The truth!" The man yelled.
I put my hand on the blue square and states my truth.
"I didn't destroy your forest!" I shouted. The blue square turned red quickly, and the man grabbed his gun and prepared to shoot. However, before he could shoot me, I had already shot him. Why? Why did I glow red? I really didn't do anything, and now I have a innocent man killed by my own hands. In the middle of all of this, a quiet laugh filled the air. Her! She probably made the illusion to seem that I wasn't innocent! I got up and looked around.
Nobody was here except my and a dead body.

The laughter began to becoming louder and louder coming from the right side. I ran as quick as I could to that side hoping that I would find this woman. I continued to ran, hoping to see a city, however, I had reached a dead end. Also, riding a dragon below me was the stupid illusionist flying away to the island with the castle on it. How am I suppose to get up there?

I looked below me and noticed that there bubbles coming from under the island. On the day we came to Alisium, a bubble was able to bring both Alexis and I down to the main island. I slowly closed my eyes and ran to the edge. There I jumped off hoping that a bubble could carry me up, and after a few moments of air rushing towards me, a bubble finally got me and delivered me to the land. As soon as we reached, it popped making me hit the ground hard.

Fortunately, the illusionist was still there. I will fight her, and I will win. She leaned against a tree and smiled at me. The psychopathic smile that you would give before you killed someone. I clenched my sword even harder, preparing myself for attack. The woman disappeared, and a red flash of light soared through the sky.

After seeing the light hit the ground, all of the sudden the only thing you could see was white. I closed my eyes to protect myself from becoming blind. The blinding light came with a ringing sound which both slowly died out, and after they both had disappeared, the main castle island was completely destroyed.

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