20. Letters

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Scorpius sent letters during the holidays.

Here's the first one.

Hey April!

I'm doing this so you don't feel lonely. I'm sure you don't, but just in case.

I'm also doing this secretly so Ed doesn't find out.

Uh... am I allowed to talk about him?

But if you ever need a shoulder (or parchment) to cry on, I volunteer.


S. Malfoy.

He is just too sweet, right?

And it's just so kind that he can send letters to me.

I write one back.

Hey Scorpius!

Thanks for that letter.

I don't feel completely lonely, but if I cry over the parchment you'll see tiny drops of water.

I've spent most of the summer in my room. I haven't told my mum about Eddie, but she would understand. Long story short, she broke up with her boyfriend and now they're married. Crazy right?

I like how my room is the only one on the second storey of our house. So I can just be myself and not have them interrupt me.

I don't feel like talking to anyone.

Apart from you.

Seriously, you are too nice.

Don't say anything about me to Eddie. He'll want to know why you know why I said 'hey' or something.

Thank you. I'm sorry, I just can't stop saying that.

But thanks.


I roll it up and tie it to the owl's leg. I set it free out my window and look at my bedroom walls.

Mum let me do a mural, seeing as it's my own space. I've got a big maple leaf in the corner, and the walls are a light blue. I want to change it to a darker purple because it's more teenager kind of.

I hope Mum lets me paint it and decorate it differently.

I feel like putting an orange and dark purple theme in.

It would look quite nice.

I'll just do it anyway.

I pull out my wand and flick and swish it. The walls go a very nice dark purple.

I think it looks alright.

I get the dropsheet from under my bed and put it on my desk for the mean time.

Then I move my bed so I can get to the leaf in the corner.

Then I put the sheet over my bed and grab my little tin of paint.

I take my wand and swish it over the leaf so it's not there. Just the purple.

It's funny having it not there.

Then I grab my orange paint and re-do it.

It's better than it was.

I let it dry and then move my bed to where it was.

I flop face down and find myself falling asleep.

I don't really care though, I like the word that starts with 's' and ends in 'leep'.

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