26. Just let me, and you'll live

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That day, school just doesn't matter. Nothing happens. Just the normal school day.

Until second period, where we have Astronomy.

"I heard you and Eddie had a bit of a... fight... this morning." says the most annoying girl in our year. She doesn't miss out on any gossip, and I swear she knows everything about every student.

Well most things.

Her name's Georgia Goyle and she is just such a brat. She's an only child, so of course she gets what she wants, when she wants it, and her family are bloody rich.

"Oh, shut up Georgia." I say.

"'Oh shut up Georgia'," she mimics. "See, this is why people don't like you."

I almost felt like punching her, too, but because we were in a class with one of the more strict teachers, I had no chance.

No prizes for guessing, but little miss Gossip over here is in Slytherin.

I wonder why.

I just ignore her, but she's got this weird little gang of people that hang around her so it makes her "intimidating" or whatever. Pfffttt, I'm not scared of some brat like her.

When the lesson ends, she does that "I'm watching you, bitch" sign with the two fingers on her eyes, then they turn and look at you.

Then it's Charms and Eddie's there.

I actually can't decide who I like least because they're both horrible to me, even though I've done nothing to them.

Charms was boring.

So was the rest of school. I think I saw someone who was asleep in one of our classes.

Then we went back to our common room to complete some homework. Which I don't mind, it takes your mind off things.

I manage to somehow get it all done, and miss dinner. I must have been working really hard and not notice that everyone had gone.

Birdy comes in when I am one line away from finishing my Potions essay.

"Come on, one more line," I say, scribbling down the last words.

"There! Done! No more homework for today."

"Do you want to come and eat?"


"I'm sorry, but dinner's finished."

"No! I'm starving!"

"That's good."


"Because I saved you a plate of food! People thought I was crazy putting another helping on my plate then not eating it. I just said 'my friend is studying, and she hasn't had anything to eat,' and then they all backed off. But here!"

She puts it on the table and I start eating it straight away.

"Thank you!" I say with a full mouth once I've finished.

She takes the plate and disappears out the portrait hole. I guess she's taking it to the elves in the kitchen.

I clear up my homework things and take them back to my dorm, then race to the Slytherin common room.

Well, the corridor. I can't get in.

Hey Scorpius.


Meet me outside your common room.

Okay sweetie.

I'm pressed against the wall with the sound of that word.

Then I see him.

He is just so sweet.

Pain spreads through my body. Suddenly.

"Please, no." I hear a boy's voice.

"No, just let me die, and you'll live."

I see flashes of a boy.

I open my eyes. I'm on the ground, breathing like a dog on a hot day. Suddenly the pain is gone.

"April! Are you alright?"

"What... happened..."

"You were screaming, then you fell to the ground, and I didn't know what was happening."

"I saw something... a boy... and I heard a voice..."

"No-one was talking, and there's nobody but me here."

"It must have been a dream."

"I don't think it was a dream, sweetie. C'mere."

He picks me up (in the bridal way, like last night) and takes me somewhere.

"I think you need to rest," he says.

"Why not together?"

"I think it's best if you're with Birdy."

He gets to the my common room, and stops.

"Oh, you don't know the password. Cabot draconis."

We enter the glorious place that is, the Gryffindor common room.

He then takes me to my dorm, where Birdy is sitting on her bed, chewing her nails nervously.

"Where have you been? And why is your boyfriend carrying you?"

"She had a bit of a... spell..." he says. Then he lays me on my bed.

"Sleep. It'll be good for you."

"Thank you." He kisses me on the forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie."

Scorpius's POV

"What happened?" asks Birdy once April's asleep.

"Well, she came to my common room, and she was waiting for me outside, and I just looked at her, and she fell, screaming."

"Was she okay?"

"I managed to break her fall slightly, she may be sore tomorrow, but I don't know what was happening."

"Maybe it's like Harry. Harry Potter. When Voldemort entered his mind, and Harry's scar hurt, and he fell to the ground screaming."

"Do you think there's another Voldemort? Or something similar?"

"I don't know, but you should probably go. She'll be fine. Leave."

"Okay." I hug her, because she's an amazing friend.



Whaaaaaat???? This is getting exciting!!!! Can't you wait until the other chapters are uploaded? Yeah, me neither.

Stay tuned!

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