Chapter 22.7

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Author's POV

Our reader, who is currently try to get pass a sea of crowd, is lost. She didn't knew what happened thought. All she could remember was going inside the ball room from her another encounter with Flame Prince. She carefully carried the picture, that FPrince Drew and gave it to her, while passing in the crowd.

'I freakin' made et!' She thought as she looked around, noticing the buffet table. Thought it was different, Jake and Felix was gobbling up the food. More like Jake, Felix was going for the sweets and candies.

"Hey (Y/N)!" A familiar voice rang in your ears. You turned a little bit to the right to see Finn waving awkwardly at you.

"Hi Finn. Wow! You look nice. Snazzy." You complimented him, nodding your head in approval. Finn blushed at this while scratching behind his head with a dorky smile. Daw....

"Thanks! You look..." Finn trailed off as he noticed what your wearing. Then continued, subconsciously, "Wow..."

You blushed bright red. Then raised your hand to cover the bottom half of your face. Then she stuttered out, "T-T-Thanks..."

"Uh... Yeah! No prob!" He said as he turned to Jake and Felix again, just to see them smirking at the two of you. You two blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh! Heheh... Sorry if we're disturbing something! Come on, Fel!" Jake said as he dragged Felix, who's eyes still big from candy rush and is holding a blow of candy, to a random direction.

"Look! A Nyan Cat!" Felix said randomly pointing at the sky, earning a few weird looks from the crowd.

"Uh... How about we go somewhere private? And not noisy?" He said as he held out a hand, waiting for you to take it. You nodded as you grabbed Finn's hand.

Then you two ran ended up what it seems to be a balcony. You gaped at the stars that were in the sky, million twinkling stars.

'Our world didn't have anything like this!' You thought still awe struck. Finn noticed this and chuckled, gaining your attention once again. You laughed nervously.

You two walked near at the end of the balcony to see the some of the parts in Ooo. 'Wait... Isn't this a too cliche again? Meh...' You thought, looking under you to see the Candy Kingdom.

Finn's POV

I looked at her to see her starring down the Candy Kingdom. She looks really pretty... No, that's not the right word. Rather she can beat a beauty of a Goddess.

I'm so nervous! Gah! How-- What will I say?! Should I give it to her!? Or---

My train of thoughts were cut off by (Y/N) waving her hand near my face. I looked at her for a moment before saying, "Uh.. Yeah?"

She giggled and said, "I said, are you okay? You're face have been red and you're sweating."

"O-oh! I'm fine! Heheh..." I said, too quickly, putting my hands up in defense.

"Okay... I'm just worried." She smile at me once again then turned up to look at the sky. I did the same. We saw a shooting star in the process. (Y/N) gasped in amazement then held on my arm. She closed her eyes for a second before opening them.

She turned to me and said, "Make a wish!" I shook my head to her, which made her confused.

I smiled at her and reassuringly said, "Don't worry, I got my wish already." Then turned back to the sky, leaving her confused.

"Hey..." I called out. She hummed at the in response. Maybe... It's the right time to give it to her... Hm! Maybe I'll be the first one! Wait... Is that a drawing in her hand? Ugh... Fine... Second then.

"Uhm... Here... I got this for you." I said I raised a small white box with a red ribbon on top. Gosh... I can feel my face getting hotter...

"Aww... You didn't have too... But if you insist." She said as she held my present in her hands. She went for the ribbon and pulled it, along with the cover on top. It revealed a (F/C) crystal like stone, embedded in a silver holder and chains.

She went awe struck on this. Gulp... Just hope for the best Finn...

Your POV

O my gosh! Thank you Finn!

I suddenly hugged Finn with one arm and the other holding the box with the jewelry inside it. I blushed as I let go, Finn did the same thing as well.

I blushed even brighter on my next request, "A-ah... C-Can you... Um... H-help me p-put it o-on?" I stuttered out.

Then Finn nodded with a smile. I gave him the necklace and turned around, waiting patiently for him. I felt the necklace on my neck and hands working to put it on. Once it was on, I turned around to Finn and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

H-hey! It was just a few seconds okay!? Then I suddenly bolted out, leaving Finn on his shocked state. My god... Did I just kissed two boys tonight!?

Finn's POV

Best night ever! Well... Not until (Y/N) ran out. Hmm... I think she was embarrassed, well it is understandable... But hey! I got a kiss from her! Ha! Take that guys!

I danced a victory dance on the spot, once I recovered.


Heheh... Funny thing... I noticed that the x-mas and New Years special are really long don't ya think? Hmm..

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