Time That Passed (Acrostic Poem)

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Is all we have to live on, the timer to our schedule and routine
Memories that lead you to be who you are right now
Every minute is time that you won't get back, but that you learned something from

A huge importance in our live's, our live's spin around it and it's ticks
Time gives us memories and memories are the tiles that build us up

Passed time is time that we let go of
A time that passed could be like now, the stop you just did to read the comma there, time passed
Seconds are so small, they pass too, they flash away like light
Sometimes we can't see time passed by, other times we stare at a clock and time seems to stop
Every day we can do so much in the time we have
Do all you can, because when time is gone there is no way to go back...

(I honestly don't like this one, but okay...)

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