Alternate Ending Part 2

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A/n) i know it says 6 months but whenever i update a part thats already published it wont change. So you were actually taken for a year and a half NOT 6 months. Also WARNING this may trigger some things so dont read if you are sensitive to abuse.

Your elegant body was now stick thin and every inch of your body starting from the bottom of your neck was covered in scars carved into your once smooth skin. From the small area on your fingers to large cuts on your torso, every inch of you had a cut or gash that marked your body. The only safe spot was your face.

He stood frozen watching you be guided down the hall to the infirmary. Shinohara turned to Suzuya and said

'You know more than anyone what she went through. I think its best that she stays with you until she fully recovers.'
Juuzou slightly nods and heads to the infirmary. He watches you through the window. The nurse is talking to you and treating your wounds but you show no response. The nurse looks at you with a sad face and exits.

'Shes in bad shape Suzuya-san'
He slightly nods and enters your room.

'(Y/n)' he says quietly
No response
'(Y/n)!' He says more forcefully
You slowly drag your lifeless (e/c) eyes up to meet his. You both stare into each others eyes until you look to the side into nothing. He rushes forward and hold you in a tight embrace yet gentle not to hurt you. You dont respond to his caring touch. You move your face into his shoulder but dont move your arms.

He helps you to his apartment while you stay silent. He helps you with things you are too weak to do. Opening a drink, or carrying something. You finally open your mouth and ask if he can help you change. His cheeks turn a light shade of pink and goes to his room. He gently grabs the bottom of your shirt and raises it. He holds his breath as he sees the damage Big Madame has done to you. "GOOD GIRL" is carved harshly into your stomach and whip lashes and burn markes are etched into your sickly pale skin. You turn around to grab your pajamas and he sees your back. From the nape of your neck all the way down to your hips is covered in thousands of 5 tick marks. Tiny ones to large ones.

'What' he stutters
You turn around and raise your eyes to his
'What was she counting?' As he awkwardly gestures to your back
You look over your shoulder
'How many good girl points i earned.'
His breath catches in his throat.

He helps you dress and you two are laying in bed facing the ceiling. His hand slowly moves across the covers and holds your hand while you sleep. He raises your hand to inspect some of the marks decorating your arms and hand. Your fingers slowly curl around his. You start to stir and you open your eyes. You turn around to face him and crawl closer to him until you are pressed into his side. He is watching you, he wraps his free arm around your waist.

'Ill help you get through this (y/n). I will do whatever it takes to get you back.'
You dont say anything but your beautiful eyes held so much emotion in them. He saw the (y/n) he always knew past your new distant facade.

-time skip a year later-

You and Juuzou are somewhat back to normal. You still have your moments but you and Juuzou are now engaged. It was sweet how he proposed to you. You had been staying with him and you two always shared deep and emotional moments. You two were in an embrace and he just says 'i want you to be my wife' you pulled back and smiled and then you two shared the first of many kisses.

He quickly got used to the way you look. He helped you regain your strength and always kissed the marks on you. You got used to the stiches on his arms so he loves every mark on your back and stomach.

Shinohara looks at the odd pair in the hallway with a smile on his face. You two were truly made for each other. You both have the same past and hr knows that you two will be with each other for a very long time.

I hope everyone likes this alternate ending. This is my first story so i aplogize for any mistakes you find.

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