The Prom Story

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Ok so it all begins in a school classroom, in my old school. We are, as the title suggests, about to go to prom.

I am sat under a desk with my friends, and we are putting on prom makeup. They both have mermaid tails and I am in my school uniform, with a neon green backpack. My crush is sat near the table, we are going together, but not as a couple because he never saw me that way, aha. He is tall with black hair which he styles similarly to Alex Turner (bae goals).

When we are finished getting ready, me and my friends have to line up to get our photos taken. Im very camera shy so I'm kinda annoyed by this, but don't let on (as usual).

We exit the school and arrive at a train station. It is just one platforn with bleak concrete floors and brick walls, the walls are painted an off white colour. There is no artificial light but the arches the trains leave through provide good natural light. Through the arches are some of the most luscious green ferns and bushes.

I quickly realise I do not actually have money for the train, and I sidle up to my crush, and he seems to read my mind, giving me what I believe to be £1.45. I smile but leave him to stand on my own, his friends are all in the year above (he isnt) so i find them slightly intimidating.

I drop two 1p coins onto the tracks. They are not very low down and the trains move slowly throughout the station but for safety's sakes i get a boy from the year below to pick them up for me. He hands me them and i thank him with a hug.

I step onto the thin train, outside it looks fairly regular, a dull white colour, matching the station walls. Inside the walls are a brilliant white glossy plastic, and the seats are a royal inky blue colour, with yellow streaks, which remind me of the Starry Night painting. My crush is asleep on the set of seats next to me, so i sit down and enjoy the ride.

the train nears the city our prom is to be held in. Fresh air and bright blue skies, with white clouds. There are tall buildings either side, as we are on a city road, still in the train. The buildings are rather ornate, with gold frames around the windows and other luxuries, but they have pretty normal shops in them, like McDonalds and Asda. The people are the weird bit.

Think, that octopus-looking guy from Pirates Of The Carribean. Except as a beautiful girl. The city is full of these exquisite looking women, all different colours, with tenticles for legs and clams hanging to their sides. They have long flappy ears like Jar Jar, i am mesmorised by their colours though, we clearly dont have these 'mer' people back in my home town.

The train stops at a crossing. I see a bench. A man, clearly homeless, rides a unicycle near the bench, talking to a homeless old woman. She looks quite normal, but he has hands for feet, or rather, had hands for feet, his hands more closely resembled birds claws around the peddles. He looks up at me, and i hear him say softly, in a tired tone, "i feel ya, were in this together," which i think about for a while.

still on the train, we go past a big, brown concrete building. It is brutalist in design, with harsh unfriendly corners and yellowing tinted glass. The, hospital, of sorts. One for the never truly normal. I realise what he means. The hospital, as i know about in my dreams concience, is a place where they keep people who do not conform to society's ideas of functional or attractive. I'm more on the functional side, my homeless friend more on the attractive. I dwell on thoughts of hospital life for a brief moment, before waking up

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2016 ⏰

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