Chapter 6: Mikey cured by Donnie

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Donnie's pov

After last night I got the formula for mikey. I started working on it since seven in the mourning. It's now around ten in the morning. The formula should be ready by twelve in the afternoon.

I told raph and Leo and they were happy. Leo said things as well as raph did. Splinter came in and I told him and he smiled and hugged me. My smile appeared on my face.

Twelve in the afternoon

" Mikey get in here!! "

I was so happy and thrilled that the cure was done. I congratulated myself. As I was doing that Mikey ran into the lab as so did the others. April and Casey were here. Mikey had his happy face on.

The way I had to give Mikey the cure was to inject him with it. The only thing was is that Leo and raph will have to hold him down. By the way Mikey is deathly afraid of needles.

I motioned Leo and raph to hold down mikey while I give him the cure. Once Mikey wasn't able to move I grabbed the needle and stuck it in his neck. Mikey hissed in pain dropping on the floor holding his neck. We came to him hoping he was ok.

" Why'd you do that donnie!?"

" Mikey I'm sorry but there was no other way to give you the cure."

Mikey's watery blue eyes looked into my brownish red eyes. He felt pain because of me. I'm the one who caused him pain when he didn't want it. What kind of brother am I?

I went to help Mikey up and he just swatted my hand away. Why? Leo looked at me then to mikey. Raph just stood their shocked as did April and Casey. Splinter just bent down to help Mikey and didn't even had his hand swatted. What the heck! I gave him the cure and he's acting like this!?

" Fine. If you want to act like this Mikey than I'm done."

" What do you mean? "

" What I mean raph, is that I'm done with mikey. He could do whatever he wants and I won't care." I said with frustration.

Everyone was shocked at what I said. After that I walked off into my room and I shut the door. I cried so long it felt like centuries. Once I stopped Leo knocked on my door. My tears were gone as I opened door.

My body went to my bed with out me telling to. When I was sitting on my bed Leo sat next to me. He put his hand on my shell and rubbed it. Leo is a good brother and all but I never hung out with him or raph. Me and Mikey were so close that we knew everything about each other.

Then raph came in to tubing my shell which surprised me. I told them to stop and they did. The way their body language is, I could tell they're going to say something. I was right.

" Look don, you can't say that you don't care about what mikey does anymore."

" Yes I can raph."

" But Donnie, you two are close."

" Doesn't mean anything Leo."

Leo's pov

I can't believe this. Donnie not caring for what mikey will do or something that will happen to Mikey. This isn't our Donnie that we all know. It's been years since donnie found the cure and now donnie is the one who has changed. Sensei is worried for donnie as well for mikey.

Raph's pov

Donnie not caring for mikey!? This has gotta be a dream.

" Don you can't say you don't care! He's your brother and you need to care!! "

" Then why did he act like he did to me!? "

" Donnie you need to understand that Mikey is Mikey. He hates needles and you knew that."

" It was the only way for him to be cured!"

" That doesn't matter don. You guys are close and that's what mattered."

" Yeah and now he thinks you betrayed that trust."

" But I didn't Leo! Just get out you guys! "

Me and Leo left Don in his room. We just went to our rooms and went to bed.

This is emotional right. Oh poor donnie.

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