chapter two

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Brandons POV

I woke up on a deserted paved road. There is absolutely nobody  great just great now how am I supposed to find Cassie? Just as I am thinking that a girl with brown hair that sits just beneath her shoulders starts walking toward me.

"Hi, I'm Grace, what's your name?!" She exclaims all chirpy and stuff.

"Brandon," I say as she reaches her hand down to help me up but I ignore it and get up on my own.

She shoots me a dirty look and starts automatically smiling again. I start to walk away and she calls for me. I turn around and she's already almost caught up.

"So that's it your just going!? No get to know each other bonding time?!" She says.

"Yes because I would love to bond with a total stranger!" I snap sarcastically, "Besides I'm looking for somebody," I say and start walking faster.

"Who is she? I might know her!" She yelled, still chasing after me.

I turned around on my heels. "No! You will not know her she just got here! She is my girlfriend her name is Cassie and I miss her! So if you could just me alone it would be greatly appreciated!" I snapped.

I automatically feel guilty when she turns to walk away. I can't feel like that if I want to successfully find Cassie so I ignore the guilt and start walking. Oddly enough there is a train station in heaven. I sit down and wait for the train.

When the train comes I can finally see where everybody has been. The train is packed! I stare in awe at all the people. I didn't think I was starting for long until I was interrupted by the the train driver.

"You comin' kid?" The old man asked. He has the voice of a smoker. It was raspy some might say 'attractive' but I say nah. I climb the rest of the stairs and struggle to find an empty seat. Finally I find the only one empty one which just happens to be right next to what's her face from earlier.

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