chapter three

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Cassies POV

We ended up on the streets near a train station. Strange. I look beside me and see, wait I never got his name, beside me.

I help him up and ask for his name.  "Shawn," he said  "And yours?"

"Cassie. Nice to meet you Shawn." I say as he looks around at his surroundings.

"There!" He shouts pointing at the train station. "That wasn't there before. And where did everyone go?!" He asked himself.

"Don't ask me. Now what do we do?" I asked.

"Go on the never seen before train and see what's going on," he said.

"Deal," I say and we head to the train station to wait.

Soon after the train appears. We get on past the train driver and try to find an empty seat. There are none.

"Here everyone is! Well I guess we'll just have to stand." Shawn says.

I'm looking around the train when I notice Brandon in here! On this exact train! With me! In heaven! I run toward him and jump in his arms before he can even tell it's me.

My voice is muffled into his shoulder as I speak and cry. "Oh, Brandon I missed you! I love you! How are you here!"

He strokes my hair calming me down so I am just slightly sobbing. "I missed you too, I love you too. Let's not worry about how I got here and just focus on the fact that I am here." He said and I nod into his shoulder.

"We need to get off of this train," Shawn says walking up behind us. "Is not safe we will get off at the next stop and nobody will argue, am I clear?"

"All clear," I say and Brandon says the same thing.

So as we said we get off at the next where there are actually people out of the train. We agree that we will look for a place to crash and then make a plan tomorrow.

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