she called

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It's been a week since what happened at chocolate city. All I could think about was Farra, I had to meet her again.
I got this 6 bedroom 4 bathroom house all to myself nobody comes in here except a few of my homeboys and my maid Jessica, maybe a few females here and there it's nothing major. ESPN was heard through my 60 inch TV I been on the couch eating Chinese food I ordered.

Ran off on the plug twice

I grabbed my iPhone 6 that was playing plies, I seen an unknown number I answered.
I heard silence. She cleared her throat and said "is this julian?"
"Farra?"I asked a bit surprised she called.
"Yea umm is this a bad time to call you."she said threw the phone.
"No you fine I'm just chilling watching ESPN."

"I'm so tired school worn me out."I heard her say.
"Hold up you in high school."I asked
"Yea this my last year."
"Wow you must be 18 huh."I guessed
"Yea you must be 22."she said back
I started laughing.
"I look that old actually ma I'm 20."
The phone got quite. So I asked her something that was on my mind.

"Can I take you out, like out to dinner I would like to see you again.
"When."she said.
"Tonight just dress nice."
She was laughing.
"What's funny?."
"Don't have me looking fine when we only eating at burger king."
We both was rolling on the phone.
"Naaa ma how you know we going out to eat fat ass."I said to her
"Shut up,I'll text you my address and be here at 7." And with that being said she hung up.

Its only 4:30 so I'll just get a nap in before getting ready.


I was relieved when I told Farra how I felt, let me get this straight I want Farra but I'm not looking for nothing to major she could be my Lil boo.
It was going on 5 so I decided to go check on one of my trap houses.

I pulled up and walked in passing security.
"Aye wassup tank."torian said
Torian like my Lil brother we been rocking since jit days I put Lil nigga on so now he work for me.
Rico came over to me looking like he had to tell me something.

"Man tank somebody had been stealing drugs again. I had a shipment from Columbia that had 25gs worth now it's down to 15. Rico had said.
My jaws clenched and I yelled.
all 20 of my workers went I had my pistol in my hand Cause shit was about to get real.

"Which one of y'all stealing from me?"I barked at them.
No one answered they was quiet they thought I was playing. I swung my first at Mario black ass and sent him to the ground.
"Was it you nigga?"I spat at him
He held his jaw and spit up blood clearly saying "no boss."
"Nigga stop spitting on my damn floor."

I looked at they ass and saw clay fat ass twitching so I walked his way I bend down and dude smelt like straight herion and weed.
"Aye Rico what the package consist of." I asked and backed away from clay.
"Herion and weed."he said with that being said I shot clay right in the neck. I watched as blood oozed from his neck and waited until he fell. I digged in his pocket for his wallet and saw two little girls. He should have thought of that before his ass stole from me.
"What yall doing looking at me clean this shit up now."

I walked into my office and called up my main chick jade. She lives at my house now I been trying to get Farra and shayla to move in but they didn't want to live there parents home in the hood. Now I been house hopping they Dont know each other but I'm going to leave it at that. Jade answered on the first ring.

"Hey baby" jade said.
"Wassup how my house?you ain't fucking my shit up are you?"
"It's good baby its been 3 days and  ready for you to come home. Take a break from work. I miss you
She told me.
"Ight ma I'll be home around 8 ish"I hung up the phone after that.

I pulled out some vodka and rolled up a jay a nigga was gone come home fucked up jade better be ready for this hard dick.


After I did my homework I grabbed my keys to my camaro and headed to fatima house so she could do my plaits. I pulled up at her apartment complex and knocked on her door.
"Hey boo."I said while hugging her.
"Hey Farra, you can sit on the stool I'll be back with my hair stuff.
I sat on the stool and waited I pulled my beats pill out and played lil Kodak skirt. Fatima came back with her things.

"I have a date tonight with one of my friends Julian he is so good looking. I told her.
She smiled. "Foreal let's get you looking right." We vibed and made small talk as she did my hair. Around 6:25 she was finished i loved my hair I took my iPhone 5 out and took a silly selfie.
"Thank you boo."I said as I paid her.
"No problem, have fun tonight girly and tell me the T's tomorrow."she said while walking toward the door.

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