the gentlemen

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Farra in the top left corner,shayla bottom left. Finally tank top right and Julian aka the gentlemen bottom right.

Julian aka the gentlemen

I swear ion really go out like that but tonight I just wanted to party and have fun. All I do is work now it's play time. Shawty caught my eye swaying right past me in the red dress. Ion usually dress like this but I felt fresh with my all white and gold chains on. Ladies love me once they look into my golden eyes they gone melt plus I'm always nice to the ladies. Now u see why some people call me the gentlemen.

I could tell she was hood cause the dude she came in with had on all black and was sagging hard and in the corner of his mouth was rolled jay. I escaped that thug life when I was 14 got me and my moms out the hood and made sum of myself.

Kevin gates break a bitch down played

Ima break a bitch down met around town met at her the crib baby turn that ass around

Her red dress was moving as she danced behind this other chick and dude watched from the vip section.
20mins passed by and I guess she had enough dancing and went to the bar.

"Can I have a shot of peach ciroc" please I heard her say.
Her voice was soft but u could tell she Dont liked to be fucked with.
"May that be all for you mam"the bartender said.
"Yes"the girl said I watched as she pulled out her money but I beat her to it and paid for her drink.

We eyed each other but didn't say nun.


This dude just paid for my drink well isn't he a gentlemen. This dude was heaven he was so good looking,who was his parents man fuck that God made this boy himself.

"Thank you I finally spoke up."I said to him.

"No problem."he said back showing his all whites. Omg and those eyes, I gotta stop staring. "I didn't catch your name."he said
"Well I didn't give you anything to catch that's why."she said back
I watched as she sipped her drink the bartender gave her.
"My name is Julian" he extended his hand.
I took his hand mines were so small compared to his." Farra I said back to him." He raised my hand up to his lips and kissed it. Omg his lips were so plump and soft on my skin I tried to hold back my smile but failed.

Ciara body party played

Julian smiled and asked me to dance,  how could I refuse he so fine.


I saw farra hand and hand with some pretty boy looking dude. I shoot up out my seat when she was grinding on old dude. I snatched farra ass up.

"OUCH!" She said.
"Aye what the fuck you doing dancing on old dude fa like y'all the only ones up in this bitch." I yelled at her.
"You not my damn daddy I can take care myself."with that being said she walked off on my ass. I deal with her later I pulled out another jay and went back to the vip section which was full of pretty hoes.


Ion know what dude problem was I walked up behind him.

"Aye man why the fuck you roughing females up like that for." I had a feeling that one day somebody was gone bring the hood out of me.

"If you know what's good for ya lil nigga you'll back off."with that being said he swung and I ducked and upper cut his shit. I walked off to the girls restroom I heard her crying.

"Aye ma be easy."I closed my eyes and opened them my hood days were coming  back fast asf. I handed her a tissue she said thank you and walked to the mirror and cleaned up.
I walked behind her she jumped,"chill relax." I wiped running make up.
I pulled out my card with my phone number on it and gave it to her.
She took it with that being done I walked out the restroom.

I hope Farra call, maybe she wouldn't what would She want from dude like me anyways.


I was having fun until tank came along. I was really surprised that Julian made sure I was straight and be have me his number.
I walked out the restroom and walked outside the club and called a taxi and headed back to a so called place called home. I was exhausted and I even have to put up with school, its a good thing its Saturday.

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