A White Rose Among a Thick Thorn Bush Chapter One (Germany x Reader)

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Ten years. Ten fucking years since my only friend Karen was shot and killed by the hands of the Nazi Chris. I tried to lived on for her but it was hard. The older girls continued their teasing. Most of the younger girls have been adopted. Gilbert visited everyday and sometimes brought a gift from his little brother, Ludwig. They were mostly clothes, but sometimes they were flowers or chocolate. I was told that Ludwig was also a Nazi. Today is my last day at the orphanage.

I pack my things and head downstairs. When I reach downstairs, I was greeted by Gilbert, Tami, and a new face. His hat was tilt so that his face was covered. But Tami caught my attention.

"Farewell, _____!" Squeal Tami. "I made you something for you." When she handed me a paper, it was a picture. The picture was of Tami, me, and Karen. Tami is an amazing artist. She captured Karen's image. Her pale blue eyes. Her short silky amber hair. Her smile. I began feel the tears rolled down my cheeks. "I hope that you will remember, okay?" Tami give me a small smile.

"Tha...nk...you...and...I...will." I said through the sobs. I hugged Tami and say goodbye. With nothing else to say, Tami head upstairs. I received my normal greeting from Gilbert.

"Vell, hallo frau~. How are you?" He asked kindly. I wiped away the remaining tear from my face.

"Fine. Thank you."

"How does it feels to be free, ___________?"

"Okay, I guess."

"Kesesese, it gets better everyday. Vell, should I introduce you to my little brother now?" I nodded. "______,this is my little brother, Ludwig Beilschmidt." There stood a man removing his hat. His blonde hair slick back. His pale blues eyes were narrow and strict looking. His face structures were square and sharp.

"Hallo." He replied with a deep german accent.

"Hello. It is nice to meet you." I curstie. He just nodded then headed to the door.

"He like you, frau." Gilbert grab my shoulder. "That's his way of showing it." Then, he followed Mr, Beilschmidt's lead while I follow Gilbert. In front of the orphanage was a really fancy car. I stood there in awe. Gilbert chuckle. " You act like you never seen a car before." I turn my head and blushed. Both brothers and I enter the back of a car. The driver had drove off.

Germany's POV

I finally got to meet _______. She is smaller zan I zought. To believe zat she is sixteen. Oh vell. She is vearing the (favorite color) dress zat I pick out for her. Now zat I zinking about it, her (eye color) eyes are clear and shiny. Her skin is practically glowing. Her (hair length) (hair color) hair is breathtaking. Vait, vhat am I zinking? I zink Gilbert has been rubbing on me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder shoulder and turn to look. It was _______ asleep. She look so peacefully in her sleep. Gottdamn, I did it again. I noticed zat Gilbert smirking at me.

"Vhat?" I ask.

"Nothing" he continued to smirk. I began to be irritated.

"Vill you stop smiling at me?"

"No vay."

"Zen vhy are you smiling?"

"You zink zat _______ is cute, right?" I blushed.


"I knew it. You do zink ______ is cute."

"I didn't say anything of the sort."

"Quit denying it, bruder."

"I don't."

"You do."

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