A White Rose Among Thick Thorn Bush Chapter 3(Germany x Reader)

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Reader POV

The warm heat underneath me cause me to waken. I saw Ludwig sleeping underneath me. His sleepy face is cute. I poke his face a few times but he didn't react. I tilted my head and smile to myself. His eye beganing to flutter open. I was took back for a moment. His eye seem to be blue and clear as the sky of a sunny day. I felt my cheeks heat up. There was something about this man that had me enchated. I am grateful for he and Gil has done for me. I am surprised that he is up this late. He is usually awake before me.

Germany POV

I avoke to ____'s face. I vas confused for a moment but I remember about vhat happen last nicht. Then, I noticed that she vas smiling. She must be in a better mood.

"You seem to be in a Guten the mood, ______."

"Umm...yes, I am. How come you are still sleeping?"

"Vell, today's mein und mein bruder's day off."



Slowly, Gil enter with his ecstatic smile on his pale face. "Guten Morgen."

"Hallo, bruder."

"Good morning, Gil."

"So bruder, vhat do you vant to do today?"

"I don't know, Vest. How about you?"

"I am not sure either. Got any ideas, ______?"

"We could stay home and play some games."

Reader POV

They seem shocked to I suggested that we plays games. I felt a bit embarrassed.

"I zink zat is a guten idea." Gil was the first to speak. "Ve don't have to leave or spend money. Vhat you zink, Vest?"

"Ja, I like zat idea." I couldn't help but blush . After five hours of games, things got boring. We play chess, checkers, monopoly, Simon says, tag, duck duck goose, and etc. I never thought that I would be so bored.

"Man, zis sucks."

"I am so bored."

"I agreed." We were all at lost. Then Gil has a smile spread across his face. Both Ludwig and I look at him in confusion."Vhat?"

"Let's play truth or dare!!"

"Nein!! _____and I is not playing."

"But I want to play." I begged. "Please, Ludwig?"

It took a few moments til he answer. "Fine."

Gil and I smiled. Gil started. "Ok Vest, truth or dare?"


"Vhat am I scared of?"


"Ugh, correct. You choose now, Vest."

"_____, truth or dare?"


"Vho was your first love?"

"Umm.....my first love would had to be......Gil."

"Vhat?! Vhy is he your-"

"Gil, truth or dare?"

"I choose ze awesome dare!"

"I dare you to.......kiss your brother for five minutes."

"Are you serious?" I nodded."But he is mein bruder."

"I guess that you are not awesome." Gil was pissed.

"Bruder, you don't have-" Ludwig was cut off by Gil's lips. Ludwig tried to push Gil off but Gil pinned his arms down. Ludwig was slowly stop resisting. When they were done, they were both panting.

"How vas zat?"

"Interesting. Your turn, Gil."

"_____, truth or dare?"

"I guess I do a dare this time."

"I dare you to remove all of your clothes. Slowly."

"But I-"

"No buts." I was embarrassed. I look to Ludwig but he held his tongue. I took a deep breath. First, I removed my gown. My cheek were ablaze. Gilbert motion me to continue. I glance over at Ludwig. His face is stoned as ever.

Germany POV

I am control my expression of excited. You see a naked lady once in a great vhile. I am not passing zis opportunity. Her lingerie vere pure white. Slowly, she reach behind her back and unhooked her bra. As her bra drop to the floor, her small breast vere exposed to ze cold air vhich cause her to nippled. I felt mein face to heat up. Mein urge to touch her breasts grew stronger but I restrained.


"Ja, ____?"

"What is wrong with your pants?" Vhen I look down, I discovered zat mein member is erotic. I vas very aroused by _____'s nude body. I vas ashamed. Gilbert chuckle to himself.

"It's nothing."

Zen, ____began to continue. I vas somevhat relieved. Vith ze little bit of clothing left, she let ze panties fell to ze floor. At ze same time, I had a nosebleed. So did mein bruder.

____ asked, "What now?"

Gilbert reply, " You stay like zat for five rounds."

____ turn red. Vithout zinking, I said, "You could sit in mein lap, if you vant to?"

"Are you sure, Luddy?"

I gulped. "Ja." ___ came and sit in mein lap.

"Ok Luddy, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to... kiss me."


I'm such a tease. But I love a little cliffhanger. And here's your nudity, you sick bastards. But finally update. It took forever. Quick question, who wish make a guest appearance in the story.

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