Chapter 12

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We went inside the venue and Emily, the bride, must be really popular! We greeted Emily and told her she looked beautiful, which she did. Zayn awkwardly stood around so I grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor. At first he placed both his hands on my shoulders, so I had to stifle a giggle. I held one hand and placed the other on my waist. He blushed once he realised what he did wrong.

"I'm guessing you're not the best dancer?" I said, grinning.

"Not really." He admitted, biting his perfect bottom lip and smiling slightly.

"Don't worry babe, I'm not exactly amazing!" I replied, trying to relax him. He tensed slightly, and started to dig his hand on my waist.

"Zayn that kinda hurts." I spoke.

His eyes met mine and his expression took my breath away. He looked absolutely heartbroken. The expression lasted for a second before a blank expression replaced it.

"I need the uh toilet." He said before rushing off. Weird. I brushed it off and continued mingling through the crowd. A waiter stopped me.

"Champagne?" He asked.

"Yes please!" I smiled. He picked up one off his tray of champagne and handed it to me, before moving on. I sipped it. Damn this was good!

"Waiter!" I called.

He turned. "Yes?"

"Another glass please."


I knocked back the first glass and took a sip out of the second. Very ladylike. I noticed a waiter leave his tray full of drinks on the table so I seized my chance and grabbed the tray, before drinking heavily.


Much later on, I was completely drunk. I noticed Zayn at the drinks table, but I decided to ignore him- for now. I swayed slightly to the music, before an idea popped into my head. I slowly snuck up on him, before pouncing onto his back.

"WHAT THE F-" He shouted, before we both toppled onto the table, knocking the table and the champagne over. We landed on the floor, Zayn landing first and me landing on top of him. I had champagne in my hair, and all over my dress. The hall was hushed as everyone stared wide-eyed at Zayn and I on the floor. Zayn still looked shocked, though there was a smile threatening to break out on his face. A loud scream filled the building, and I craned my neck around to see Emily looking at Zayn and I in horror. I stifled my laughter and noticed Zayn was doing the same.

"Get them out! Now!" Emily demanded. I finally let go and started laughing madly, with Zayn joining. Two beefy security guards slowly started walking towards us, so I grabbed Zayn's hand and we quickly fled.

"LATER BITCHES!" I screamed, giving them the finger too for good measure.


Omg guys this chapter was ready ages ago! The Wi-Fi at my house is getting more and more fucked up everyday. So I went to my grandma's to upload this chapter. hehehehe. #THUGLIFE

i dint chose da thug lyf da thug lyf chose me

Btw Im going on holiday on the 25th of August and I'll be back by the 12th of September.

I doubt there's Wi-Fi.

So sorry about that.

Is everyone having a good summer btw?

Vote&Fan &COMMENT!

~L x

Arranged to Him (Zayn Malik)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora