Eight Little Hunters

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//warning: this is a sad poem & yes I cried\\

Eight little hunters with no help from heaven,
Fire on the ceiling and the there were seven,
Seven little hunters running out of tricks,
One made a deal with the yellow eyes and then there were six,
Six little hunters somehow still alive,
One was mauled by a hell hound and then there were five.
Five little hunters trying to escape slaughter,
Then there were four (one died with her daughter).
Four little hunters didn't stop to see,
One was shot by leviathan and then there were three.
Three little hunters couldn't see false from true,
One got caught up between heaven and earth and then there were two.
Two little hunters no longer on the run, one died to save the world and then there was one.
One little hunter stared down the barrel of his gun,
His brother is gone now so is he and then there were none.

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