Triggering// one slip up.. Two cuts.. Three lies..

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She told him she'd try not to do it again. But she couldn't promise..

A week later, the cuts healed well, but she was home alone again. And got threatening messages from the mean girl.

Without warning, she texted him pictures of the messages, he rushed over there again. But he was too late.

She was sitting there, blood all over her legs and wrists. Crying, shaking. No one could calm her down.

He went back into the hallway, and screamed. He thought if he would have gotten there sooner she wouldn't have cut again.

He rushed into her room, only to see her trying to make more cuts. He ran to her, took the blade, and threw it out he window.

"You told me you would try! What happened to that?!"

I-- I-- I'm sorry..." She stuttered her words out.

He ran to her, realizing he had screamed. He hugged her tight, picked her up, and carried her to the bathroom, all covered in blood.

Shortly after, he had made the bleeding stop and cleaned her up. If he wouldn't have gotten to her when she did, this would already be the end. But she continued to live. Continued to cut. And continued to be hurt. But he always saved her.

Until that day. The day she told the three lies...

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