Then she told him...

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She told him that night, and he made his grandmother drive him there.

"Baby girl, you better unlock that door!" He was scared, he couldn't lose her.

She did as told, and he ran into her room, holding her close, tears streaming down both of their faces.

He kissed her forehead and released her a little, while she still held onto his hoodie. She didn't want to let go.

He stood up, and picked her up. Bringing her over to her bed and laying with her.

"Alison, baby girl, don't do that again. I know it's hard. But I'm always going to be here for you."

"Jack, I love you so much. I'm sorry I did that. I'm really sorry."

He lied her down in her bed and layed next to her, holding her against his chest. "It's okay."

That's when she regretted it.. All of it...

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