8. Annie

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I felt myself falling through the air and then...water? I was falling into the water! I swam up and wanted to scream in joy! No broken limbs, just water!

Then Caleb came down and we both stared at each other. Water!

We climbed out and sneaked past some trees blocking the view of the road. Cars were darting left and right across the road, but finally we were able to run across and to the gym. We ran to the gym and banged on the side door. It was a practice so the doors were locked.

Everyone turned to the door and screamed when they saw us. They quit whatever they were doing and ran to open the door. I ran into the gym with Caleb, soaking wet, and hugged everyone. We all yelled and screamed and hugged. Then, after forever of that, we had to explain what happened.

During it, we heard the loudest band in the history of bangs and turned to the door. It was one of the kidnappers! I whispered that it was one of our kidnappers and we tried running. Just then the glass shattered and we were all covered in glass shards. 

The man was mad. He burst in and grabbed the girl nearest to the door, Arden! Me and Caleb simultaneously screamed her name. She was being held by her leotard! Like, she was almost being chocked and her face went red.

What happened next was like a scene from the movies. Caleb and I ran up and grabbed her. She got out, but the back of her leotard got ripped. He chased us, but then police burst into the gym and handcuffed him. Caleb and I gave him the location of the house and the description of the other kidnapper and they headed off. Everyone was asking Arden if she was okay, but she seemed tired and not ready to talk, so she went to the locker room and bathroom and practice went somewhat normal, with Arden hiding in the bathroom and two kidnapped fugitives sitting in the corner while glass shards were being swept up in the entrance.  

Coach Mary had called Mommy as soon as the scary episode with the kidnapper. So Caleb and I watched practice until I saw Mommy's SUV pull up to the shattered door. She hopped out with Hayley and...

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