The great tree
There was a great tree long ago that sat on a cliff overlooking a vast kingdom. This great tree was the marker for any traveller who came upon the great moorlands of the east. The tree seems quite ordinary like any other tree. For a time, this was the case. As each season came to pass she grew leaves and lost them and each year the endless cycle was the same.
One day a weary traveller stopped at the ever-growing tree to rest. he sank down between her roots catching his breath. The traveller was tan and rugged looking with amber eyes that glittered in the summer light. He looked strong with muscular shoulder and thick tree trunk legs clad in a dark green leather. He wore a white shirt that was cover in mud and grass stains. She liked it when traveller stopped, it didn't feel quite so alone for it was the only tree around for miles. You see all trees are living and though they might not speak they have thoughts and feels like any other human being on this earth and this tree was the same. This tree was growing tired of its isolation and longed to live in the vast kingdom that sat at the base of the great cliff. she longed to be surrounded by humans who were so fascinating to her. The tree dwelled on its isolation that it had not noticed that the traveller at jumped up in a hurry wiping his face quickly. She had not realized that some of her golden sap had leaked onto the poor traveller.
The traveller stared at the tree for some time before he finally spoke "how lonely it must be for you", his voice sent something stirring in the tree. She yeaned to be able to free from the wooden shell. She wished she could reach out and touch the face of the beautiful stranger that was stood in front of her. She felt like he understood isolation. Understood her.
His hand reached out and gently touched her rough bark when suddenly golden spark erupted from the heart of the tree and the ground began to shake. The branches of the tree began to snap and the tree wanted to scream out in pain as the traveller backed away in alarm.
"What's happening?" he asked to no one as he rushed away from the falling branches. The sky grew darker as the earth shook and the wind howled.
'My darling' a whisper echoed through the branches of the tree as she wept in pain. 'do not cry. I am giving you a gift' the voice said. The tree wanted to ask who this bodiless person was but had no words.
'you do not need words to speak to me child. I am the mother of things. I see and understand all" the bodiless voice answered. "I am Gaia, my child. The goddess of the Earth and I have heard your yeaning" and with the final shaking of the earth the tree split in two and in the splinted wood there was a body of what you might call a girl.
So guys thought this is not a long chapter I felt like I had to post something. It been like forever! I am so sorry! Been so busy with my childcare course and right now I should be doing college work but whatever!! Lol
I hope you enjoy this small chapter and I know its smaller and not very detailed but it's something! I won't be posting frequently but hopefully I will post some chapters.
If anyone has a better name for the chapter please post them down below!! Thank you!!Love Abbie
Born Of Ashes
WerewolfThe Unmated Ball only happens once every generation. The next heir to the throne needs a mate! The next just so happens to be on Iris birthday, the day she becomes of age. Iris is a freak she didn't need people telling her that but with the upcomin...