The Interview

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Chapter Two ; The Interview

[ B R E T T ]   

"What inspired you to become a poet?"

"Well, one day I was at the store with my mom. She was looking around when something caught my eye," he starts. "That something wa-"

I cut him off, "Let me guess, was 'it' a girl?" I don't know why, but i felt a pang of jealousy shoot through me.

"If you would've let me finish, Brett, you would know that it was in fact not a girl. It was cheese. There were so many types of cheese, ranging from Gouda to American. It was truly inspirational," his eyes began to shine as if he's won one million dollars.

"Well, that's, um, rather interesting," I start. "Okay, next question. A lot of your poems have a common depressing feel to them. Why is that?"

"Well, like I said earlier, cheese inspired me to write poems. When I write, I just imagine a world without cheese. It's rather sad, actually."

"Okay, then. The next question is when you're not writing poems, what are you doing?"

"I do a lot of things. I read, watch YouTube videos, try cheese with other things on it like peanut butter, watch anime, and . . . something else,"

"If you don't mind me asking, what is that 'something else?'"

"I guess I'll just have to show you, stay here until one of my maids come to get you." 

Daniel made his way into his hallway while I just pulled out my phone so I wasn't just sitting there doing nothing. A few minutes passed until a maid walked into the room.

"Mister Brett?" she spoke.


"Mister Raven will see you now."


Oh snap.

It's about to get gouda (puns?)

(Ashley I hope you got the reference about the peanut butter that's why this part is dedicated to you because you suck).

Okay bye now

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